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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Miracle Ship - HMS Resolute

This is a story about a ship, trapped in ice, which survived in such a way that no one would believe the tale without proof that it actually happened.

So ... here is the story, and here is the proof. We can learn all about it from an old newspaper which was published in England, in late 1856.

To begin, let’s set the stage.

The ship, called HMS Resolute, was on a specific mission. She was one of five vessels sent to look for the missing Franklin Expedition (a crew of men, and their leader, who were searching for a fabled “Northwest Passage” in the Arctic Region). The mummified remains, of some of those Franklin-expedition men, were later found on a lonely Arctic-area island.

The Resolute was a sturdy ship, built to manage the treacherous conditions of ice-clogged Arctic seas. Though such vessels could often make way where differently designed ships would never go, they could still get trapped in moving ice packs. Sometimes the ice would crush even a well-designed ship..

Read the rest of this great story here..

[h/t: Joe Bastardi]


  1. Someone think of asking Nicholas Cage, I'm sure he has the 411.

    (snicker snicker)

    1 DAY til TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for the great article. I 'm 72 and have learned something new.


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