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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Michigan Muslim Woman Openly Defends The Stabbing of Jews. Yes, All Jews…

This Michigan woman must be one of those moderate Muslims we’ve been hearing a lot about. Scratch that, it’s the moderate Muslims she’s mocking. You know, the ones who don’t support stabbing Jews

Allan disparaged Muslims who claim Islam does not allow stabbing attacks, accusing them of trying to be “muftis” and telling them to “go back to watching Turkish soap operas.”

Throughout the video, titled, “Is Stabbing Jews Haram [Forbidden]?” she notably used only the word “Jews” to describe the target of stabbing attacks, not “Israelis.”

Appearing to compare Jews to animals, she likened those who believe stabbings are prohibited under Islam to defenders of “animal rights – not human rights, but at best, animal rights.”

MEMRI reported that in 2012, Allan told Jordan’s Roya TV that she represented the State Department’s U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) in the Jameed Festival in Jordan, a food and culture event honoring rural women.



  1. OK. To all of our liberal friends and family. This is coming from the mouth of a so-called (to borrow a phrase from President Trump) "moderate" Muslim. Notice that she is not wearing a burka or an hajib. To me, this implies that it doesn't really matter how devout they are to Islam because there is a significant number of them who actually all feel the same way. It's just that some are better at hiding it until the time is right.

    Just my two cents.

  2. Let's face it, America has its fair share of idiots from every race and religion

  3. Why not send lina allen to an Islamic country and mouth off there. How about iran. Just saying.

  4. Deport her Muslim ass !! She is a Terrorist !!!


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