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Monday, March 06, 2017

Media Blackout Cedric Richmond's Attack On Kellyanne Conway

The New York Times, ABC News and NBC News are all keeping their readers in the dark about a Democratic congressman’s sexist attack on White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.

Speaking Wednesday at a Washington Press Club Foundation dinner — which was emceed by MSNBC’s Greta Van Susteren — Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond said that Conway looked “familiar” on her knees, referring to a picture of the White House staffer kneeling on the Oval Office couch.

Richmond’s comment earned himself the condemnation of both Republicans and Democrats alike. Chelsea Clinton called Richmond’s remark “despicable” and said Conway deserves an apology.



  1. Nothing new here. The MSM has always tried to hide the truth. Pray more people wake up to these dirty political tacits.

  2. the DEMS have always pushed the envelope on vulgarity and nasty innuendos. low life at best...

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    March 6, 2017 at 9:07 AM

    oh how clever

  4. A Republican would never get away with that.

  5. These Black jerks get away with anything, and they know it


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