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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Maryland to join lawsuit against Trump travel ban

Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh on Friday announced plans to use his newfound power to sue the federal government by joining a Washington state lawsuit trying to upend Republican President Donald Trump's new travel ban.

The General Assembly granted Frosh, a Democrat, sweeping authority last month to file lawsuits against the Trump administration without first securing Republican Gov. Larry Hogan's approval. When Frosh joins Washington's lawsuit on Monday, he will use that power for the first time.

Maryland, along with New York, Oregon, Massachusetts and Minnesota, will join the suit, which contends that both of Trump's temporary travel bans for people from certain predominantly Muslim countries are unconstitutional.



  1. of course md will. and then we will have beheadings galore

  2. Exactly who's side are these people on?

  3. Frosh needs to go since he has his own agenda and not working for the tax payer / Governor.

  4. Your tax dollars at work.

    How much time and money will he and his staff waste on this?

  5. Perhaps AG Frost could tack on a stipulation that these folks travel ONLY to the Western Side of the bay, preferably to set up their tents at the A G's homestead. Under no circumstances should the Eastern Shore be an option for the traveler placement.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 11, 2017 at 4:11 PM

    Frosh gotta go. Who is he representing? Not Maryland Taxpayers, that's for sure.

  7. Maryland is an embarrassment time to start talking secession.

  8. Perfect example of why business hates maryland and will not set up shop here.

  9. Maryland and Frosh are a huge embarrassment. How much is this going to cost the taxpayers? Frosh seems to forget that we the people elected President Trump and the democrats lost. The democrats had the debate questions , the mainstream media in their pocket and wiretapped the Trump campaign and candidate Trump and still lost big! Its time for people like Frosh to look in the mirror and realize they are out of touch with main stream America and reality!

  10. Our representatives should be ashamed and voted out of office!!

  11. Maryland should just invite all the Refugees, and illegals to settle in this Commie state, it sucks anyway, why not make it really suck?

  12. What is wrong with these idiots!!!

  13. Takes alota gall to claim somethings unconstitutional from this general assembly...considering how many unconstitutional guns laws they've passed. Since when does the Constitution of the US pertain to foreign countries? This people destroying our state need to be put out.

  14. Can't we separate from the idiots on the Western shore. We don't want these people in our country

  15. 549 you and all other Marylanders who voted for these 'idiots' is the reason why they are in our government. This is just more par for the course that Marylanders need to wake the hell up and quit voting against this country via their state legislators. If Britain and the Country can do an exit, so can Maryland. Vote the SOBs OUT!

  16. The Washington elite Dems will continue to further the demise of our state because they work for Washington, DC, and only use Maryland as a home and toilet paper. They don't care past their own jobs what crap they pile on our good state. These people have never believed in the Constitution. They need to be stopped at any means.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    549 you and all other Marylanders who voted for these 'idiots' is the reason why they are in our government. This is just more par for the course that Marylanders need to wake the hell up and quit voting against this country via their state legislators. If Britain and the Country can do an exit, so can Maryland. Vote the SOBs OUT!

    March 11, 2017 at 8:22 PM

    How do you know how 549 voted? It sounds like he is more or less on the same page as you and you attack him? Did you just feel the overwhelming need to call someone, anyone, an idiot? And just exactly what did calling him an idiot accomplish?


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