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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Maryland Judge Considers Ordering President Donald Trump to Double 50,000 Refugee Inflow

A Federal District Court judge in Maryland is considering whether he should order President Donald Trump to double the annual inflow of refugees up to 100,000 per year.

Any demand by the judge that the federal government airbus an extra 50,000 migrants — including many adherents of Islam’s sharia legal system — into American neighborhoods would be an unusual intervention into government roles normally left to the elected President and Congress.

If actually implemented, Judge Theodore Chuang's plan also would be extremely expensive for Americans, because state and local communities subsidize each new immigrant with roughly $1,600 each per year for decades.

The judge revealed his proposal in a footnote in his March 15 decision where he denounced Trump’s reformist Executive Orders, which sharply curbs the inflow of refugees from war-torn Islamic countries.

There's lots more here


  1. How un-American of you, Chuang.

  2. Congress has to approve funding first. That won't happen.

  3. Is anyone ready to start the Maryland Militia with me to restore Law and Order in this country starting with Maryland??

  4. The liberals are going to push us into a civil war.

  5. He is UNELECTED and truly believes HE can order the president to do something and circumvent the will of the people.
    They, too, have forgotten their place in our republic.

  6. The only thing this judge can do is order a sandwich.
    He can't "Order" the President to do anything. Who the he$$ does he think he is?

  7. Export his behind with other low life.

  8. Not a shocker he was hired by obama.

  9. Boy this is a Dangerous Path we are all going down right now. It is Important that we all let President Trump know that we are behind him 100 percent, and that we will stand by him while he rids this country of the dangerous filth that traitor Liberal Judges like this one are trying to let in this Great Country. Apparently, so-called "Judge" Chuang hates America, since he is obviously trying his best to destroy it.

    There's a thing that could be said about this traitor, but I won't stoop to his level.


  10. Congress should immediately commence and fast-track impeachment proceedings against all 3 of the judges who have overstepped their powers by a wide margin in violation of both the Constitution and settled statutory law. They are not competent and must be fired.

    Punch back twice as hard!


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