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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Maryland Democrats Aim To 'Build The Pipeline' For Women In Office

This past November was a wake-up call for the Democratic Party. Many Democratic women, in particular, are feeling a strong need to answer that call.

Less than a quarter of elected positions are filled by women in the U.S. There are many reasons for that, but Democratic activist Diane Fink says women are often discouraged somewhere along the way. She runs Emerge Maryland, a group that helps Democratic women run for office.

"What we've learned is that the women, their ambition is crushed by somebody in their life. Oftentimes they'll say, 'I mentioned this to my family and they just laughed,' or, 'I went to a community leader or party leader and they told me, 'Well, no, that probably isn't for you.' "

Democrats are now figuring out how to rebuild their party — and capitalize on the energy in progressive circles, shown in demonstrations like the Women's March, where millions of women took to the streets the day after the inauguration.

In Maryland, Fink says, her group's aim is to have at least half of Maryland's political power belong to females. "And to build the pipeline," she adds. "We have no female delegates to Congress."

We sat down with some of these women in the training program to talk about how they got here, and what sparked their political ambitions.



  1. Democrats need a gimmick because they cannot run on or reveal there policies.

  2. 938...gimmick was exactly the word I was thinking reading this trash. Build a pipeline for women....come on. There are ample strong, politico type women in MD.

    The question they ask themselves, "why should I?"

    That question stems from the lemmings who have lived in Annapolis for a very long long time. Montgomery and Baltimore Counties may have the population keeping MD Dem, but the rest of the state is starting to answer back and Annapolis is worried!

  3. This makes as much sense as a bunch of people forming a black caucus in order attack people for being racist.

  4. So we are now going to have gender quotas for congress? The electorate determines who serves in congress, not the Maryland State House. Even they can't take that away from the Maryland voters. They can never mandate that men can't run for congressional office in Maryland, just to make sure that women fill the positions.

  5. Of course they can only think like she does-liberal, left wing, commie, open borders, government welfare for all,anti business,pro everybody but USA, one world order,all whites are racist, pro muslim even if radical , no fracking or coal,what a joke!


  6. Ellen Sauerbrey would have been Governor but for Democrat voting fraud.

    Helen Bentley was a Congresswoman for 10 years. Both were Republicans so wouldn't be of interest to feminists.


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