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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Madcow Proven To Have Tiny Hands


  1. She and pmsnbc are a disgrace.

  2. Dave T: Good one ! So true. She's a joke.

  3. Why is this little boy so mad all the time

  4. She is so full of herself, it is sickening.

  5. I'm so sexy for you, I'm so sexy.....

  6. She is a smug elitist and a legend in her own mind.

  7. I wish they would just come out and admit they are NOT a news organization, but a collection of misfits and whiners who's sole purpose in life now is to harass Trump and find ANYTHING (a tax return from eleven years ago?) to blow up into as big a scandal as they can make it. It's too bad they did have this much zeal when Fast & Furious was unfolding, or when the IRS was being used to target enemies, or even when one of their fellow reporters was secretly being investigated.
    They have what's called a "credibility gap". It's about as wide as the Atlantic, too.
    They STILL don't get it.....LOL!

  8. someone said she looked like a cross between Sham Wow and the Shark. lol

  9. Can people get Mad cow disease?

  10. HE gives me the creeps!

  11. What is sad is that hot chicks like this ugly boy!

  12. This Dude has a serious mental illness. We need to insist upon our elected officials that this mental illness should be put back in the DSM and they should be treated or institutionalized.

    Jim Ireton is a prime example of a person with a true mental illness. His sexual orientation and his antics such and his hissy fits in public against women and his pulling out his wanger in Mojo's womens room in front of 3 Salisbury City employees.

    Right now Jim Ireton should be a registered sex offender if these women would step up to the plate.


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