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Friday, March 24, 2017

Liberal Loon Compares Immigration Officers to Nazis… TUCKER CARLSON DESTROYS HIM!

It’s no secret that liberals are not fan of the Trump administration’s illegal immigration crackdown. But some are taking their opposition way too far — like liberal Zeke Cohen, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show and called immigration officers Nazis. Whoops.

Zeke Cohen is a member of the Baltimore City Council, and last week, he sponsored a resolution demanding federal authorities cease immigration enforcement in Baltimore. Tucker Carlson, meanwhile, slammed the rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants as “the sign of a sick civilization at war with itself”. While Cohen agreed there was no place for sexual violence, he still opposed ICE arrests of illegal immigrants.

So far, it seems like this was a fairly civil disagreement — but it got ugly fast. Cohen had compared ICE officials to Nazis in the past, and Carlson asked him if he still stood by that comparison. “They’re enforcing laws that would have prevented this heinous crime, would you say that to the parents of this girl who was raped?” Carlson asked. “These are Nazis, these Americans who are enforcing immigration laws. Why would you say something like that?”


1 comment:

  1. Tucker Carlson needs to go after WBAL TV's Liberal A$$ Jayne Miller about her lover Illegal Aliens and her hatred for Cops!!

    Jayne Miller‏
    @jemillerwbal 4h4 hours ago

    Full story: ICE used 12 yr old deportation order to arrest man after dropping son off at SE Balto school

    Jayne Miller‏
    @jemillerwbal 4h4 hours ago

    Faces of immigration crackdown.
    Father of 2 boys is one who was arrested in SE Balto by ICE after dropping 10 y/o at school. Not a criminal


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