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Sunday, March 05, 2017

Last Night's Speech

How do you think President Trump did last night?


  1. Home run, grand slam home run!

  2. I think it was very good. He got his point across better than usual.

    What I found disgusting was the demoncrats sitting on their asses during some ovations and applause. Especially when he was honoring the Navy SEALS' widow. There is a screen shot of half the room standing and applauding and facing the direction of the widow, except those "people" sitting in the dem section.

    It may be their right to do so but it shows how despicable they are.

  3. Made me proud to be an American and so happy and proud for OUR President!

  4. Hit it out of the park.

  5. On a scale of 1 to 100 - were 100 is the best possible, I grade him
    a 99.9, dam near perfect !

  6. When Chris Wallace relents and says, "Tonight he became the President of the United States," you know, it was a home run. President Trump now can go forth with the credibility and mandate he earned. For naysayers, whether you like it or not, America is going to WIN!

  7. If it was baseball, he knocked it out of the ballpark! One of the best speeches since Ronald Reagan! I am proud to have him as my president!

  8. President Trump delivered the speech this country needs though some refuse to admit this. It's about time we had a president that loves this country and will represent us and not the world like he said. If the democrats don't get on board they are finished as a party, mark my words here and now. It's time they stop with all their nonsense all of which are lies and get to work making the country a better place for the American people.

  9. did anyone listen to the retired Democrat from Kentucky. WOW my impression was this speech had already been written before they knew what President Trump was going to say. It didnt correspond with what Trump said.

  10. Many are saying he was finally Presidential. He's always been Presidential but with all the insecure nothings throwing barbs at him since he announced he was going to run for President he has been forced to be on the defensive. I doubt that it will make much difference to the nothings, they can't get over the fact that they just didn't get their way and they'll be forever crying. So you all stay there while we advance and you regress more and more. It's like dragging an anchor.

  11. He really made the Democrats look out of touch.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 1, 2017 at 11:24 AM

    Fantastic! 100% Plus. Those Slimey Democ-rat Politicians have a choice to make, either get on the board or get out.
    Make America Great Again!

  13. Best speech I have heard from a president in years. A+!

  14. It must have been a REALLY good speech. I can't find it on the internet anywhere! Anyone have a link?

  15. Anyone not inspired by that speech last night is a moron. If you hate America that damn much, move to another country. It's not like you can't relocate yourselves to places where socialism and fascism are the norm and accepted forms of government.

  16. GREAT AGAIN !!! as is all of his speeches and Actions !!!

    Plenty more to come too .....just getting started !!!

    Democrats will eat their own dirt and will be kissing up
    soon !!!

  17. Just PROVES He IS qualified and a Real LEADER !!!

  18. Also PROVES how BAD the Democrats behave and are Insubordinate .......and Out of Order in Congress / Senate

    They should be sanctioned / punished for their behavior !!

  19. Oust Pelosi and Shumer the 2 WOrst of the Worst Dems !

  20. What are the Democrats going to do? More and more interaction with Trump and the public only proves they're wrong about him while they purposefully mislead many about him. What are they going to do as the egg comes sliding off their make-up coated faces? Bright lights of reality is melting their polish exterior and exposing the rancid underbellies in their souls. It ain't purdy neither.

  21. 11:16
    President Donald J. Trump didn't have to do much to make the subjects look out of touch. They have done a wonderful job of that before President Donald J. Trump (love seeing and hearing that) even ran for office. That speech was flawless!!So good to have America back on track. Thanks to "The Donald".

  22. As a non-Trump voter, he did an absolutely great job. BUT , he needs to lead the agenda and achieve. More than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt


  23. It was an extremely well crafted speech! Stole all the points Dems would try to run with. It's like he'd been in their huddle! Asked them to abandon partisanship and work for benefit of country. Masterful!

    And it was delivered in very impressive fashion.

    A+ for content; A+ for delivery!

  24. Best speech I've ever heard from a President. Absolutely genius! We have been so Blessed to be given Donald Trump as our President; so many prayers have been answered. At last there's HOPE again. Proudest ever to be an American in 2017.

    As for the dumbocrats, they made the usual asinine idiots of themselves. Hopefully they'll soon be voted out (FIRED!) and forced into retirement.

  25. Finally, I have a real President!


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