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Thursday, March 30, 2017

JW's Fitton: New Hillary Emails Show Independent Investigation Needed

A government watchdog group Wednesday said a batch of State Department documents it has obtained lends additional proof that Hillary Clinton sent classified data through unsecured email accounts.

Judicial Watch announced it has released 1,184 pages of State documents, including 29 previously undisclosed Clinton exchanges that weren't part of the 55,000 pages she already turned over.

"These emails are yet more evidence of Hillary Clinton’s casual and repeated violations of laws relating to the handling of classified information," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, "The Justice Department should finally begin an independent investigation into the Clinton email matter."

The exchanges include one from February 2010, when Jake Sullivan, then-deputy chief of staff to Clinton, sent to her and top aide Huma Abedin’s unsecure email accounts classified information concerning a former Guantanamo detainee..

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  1. Not only did she send them, she lied about it and tried very hard to cover her tracks. This is the pattern of a criminal, one who needs to be put in her place.

  2. Ha! Nothing will happen because she is Hillary. She is untouchable. Not that I like it, that's just the way it is.

  3. Never forget Benghazi! I will NEVER vote democrat again!!!


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