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Monday, March 06, 2017

Jesse Jackson Jr.'s 6-figure government payout under scrutiny

A government ethics expert wants the federal government to investigate former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.'s $138,000-a-year payout from a combination of worker's compensation and Social Security disability benefits.

The Chicago Tribune reported Jackson receives $100,000 per year in worker's compensation benefits because he has bipolar disorder and depression and another $38,400 per year in disability benefits. Craig Holman, from the watchdog group Public Citizen, called that amount of money "breathtaking" for a former congressman.

"I can't imagine in any way that his bipolar disorder would have been caused in any way by his congressional duties," Holman said. "It's really troubling to see someone who goes to prison for corruption coming out of prison (and collecting that money)."

Jackson was released from prison on 2015 after using his campaign fund for personal enrichment. He served in Congress for 17 years before quitting in 2012.



  1. Sounds like my ex wife.....Bi Polar and 8,000 a month income bc she has depression too....what a crock of sh×t.....they work the system...

  2. How in hades do these people collect such outragous amounts on disability! My girlfriend had maxed her social security payments and time required to retire her colleges pressured her to apply due to bi polar disorder and the judge granted it right away, unusuall in any case, yet she maxes at a little over $1,300 a month! WTF!!

  3. I thought disability maxed out around $1700 a month. That makes $20,400 a year. Is he six times as crazy? Well, probably, but that shouldn't up his payment!

  4. Whoever gave the workman's comp judgement for him got hoodwinked by a slick attorney.

  5. Too many take advantage of the system. Fraudulent med benefits being handed out every day. A part of the swamp that needs draining. Make people get back to work.


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