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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of Soros-Supported NGO Migrant Fleet

Italian authorities are calling for monitoring of the funding of an NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast after a report released the European Border and Coast Guard Agency has determined that the members of the fleet are acting asaccomplices to people smugglers and directly contributing to the risk of death migrants face when attempting to enter the EU.

The report from regulatory agency Frontex suggests that NGOs sponsoring ships in the fleet are now acting as veritable accomplices to people smugglers due to their service which, in effect, provides a reliable shuttle service for migrants from North Africa to Italy. The fleet lowers smugglers' costs, as it all but eliminates the need to procure seaworthy vessels capable making a full voyage across the Mediterranean to the European coastline. Traffickers are also able to operate with much less risk of arrest by European law enforcement officers. Frontex specifically noted that traffickers have intentionally sought to alter their strategy, sending their vessels to ships run by the NGO fleet rather than the Italian and EU military.

On March 25th, 2017, Italian news source Il Giornale carried remarks from Carmelo Zuccaro, the chief prosecutor of Catania (Sicily) calling for monitoring of the funding behind the NGO groups engaged in operating the migrant fleet. He stated that "the facilitation of illegal immigration is a punishable offense regardless of the intention.” While it is not a crime to enter the waters of a foreign country and pick them migrants, NGOs are supposed to land them at the nearest port of call, which would have been somewhere along the North African coast instead of in Italy. The chief prosecutor also noted that Italy is investigating Islamic radicalization occurring in prisons and camps where immigrants are hired off the books.



  1. When is Soros going to be arrested and jailed or put down?

  2. Soros is a TRASONOUS POS and should be DEPORTED.

  3. So when will Seal team six take this subversive rogue trouble maker out? He is one twisted evil POS. Maybe the UN could put out a warrant for his international meddling in politics of many nations. But i wont hold my breath for that to happen.

  4. Soros could really use a strong cup of "Russian Tea"!

  5. Been calling for Soros and his family assets to be seized and Soros and family to be deported from the US. Russia did it. I call for his family to be included because his son is taking up his cause also. Soros and Family are enemies of the US.


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