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Monday, March 20, 2017

ISIS Could Eradicate Christians From Middle East

Congress demands action to stop genocide

Christians living in areas controlled by the Islamic State continue to be killed en masse by the radical Muslim group, threatening their existence in the region, according to a bipartisan delegation of lawmakers who are calling on the Trump administration to immediately take steps to end what they describe as genocide.

Not a single ISIS perpetrator has been held accountable for genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes since former Secretary of State John Kerry formally declared genocide was taking place in the region, according to the group of lawmakers, who slam the former administration for its lack of action.

The United Nations has also failed to take action, prompting accusations that the international organization is overlooking the systematic slaughter of Christian populations who have lived in the region for centuries.

The lawmakers are seeking to ensure that the Trump administration does not ignore the issue, as the Obama administration did for years while ISIS slaughtered Christians and other minority groups.



  1. ISIS Could Eradicate Christians From Middle East

    ISIS is going to eradicate Christians from all over the world. A study and a video has already been done on this and how they are breeding like rats just to do this.

    1. And dem lib snowflakes want open boarders to invite them in to wipe US OUT.

  2. Coming to a town near you.
    Sad part is we are doing nothing to stop it's arrival.

  3. Eradicate islam as it is a cancer of filth, perversion and depravity. Crusades are upon us once more. This time do it right and rid the world of islam and all of its violent sick teachings. Death to those muslims wanting to dominate us.

  4. We've allowed a huge number of Muslims here as refugees, why not Christians?

    1. bc muslum obama wanted Christians Killed bc he is a POS.


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