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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Introspection from Thomas Jefferson...

click to enlarge


  1. He doesn't agree with Watson and Robart use of judicial activism.

  2. Better an oligarchy than a dictatorship

  3. This is exactly the point-- the 'courts' do NOT rule.
    They are co-equal.
    The President has issued an executive order, and it should be fully and promptly implemented.

  4. 3:20 so you're saying that an executive order should always be implemented whether it is constitutional or not? Surely you would not have the same opinion for an Obama executive order

  5. No hypothetical here-- the order Mr Trump has issued is valid and should be implemented. The argument for constitutional rights for foreigners is phony.

  6. Obama issued an identical E O and it was passed without incident , What we have here is a judicial group that rules based on politics instead of the constitution.

  7. 4:08 hardly identical. Obama's was in response to a foiled plan by Iraqi nationals to send money and bombs to al queda. Obama delayed processing Iraqi refugees for 6 months following said evidence. Trumps order is preemptive and bans all citizens from seven countries and is not in direct response to any event. Trump also tried to put an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. I do not like Obama, but his executive order was nothing like Trumps

  8. I too many of you do not understand the constitution and break down of power. A robe does not make you god.

  9. Comical how people like 425 act as if they've read EOs when most in this area don't even know what an executive order is short of what they're told on the boob tube. Seriously doubt you've read any EO by anyone 425 unless now you're going to tell us that you worked at the White House, too.

  10. 228 do you even know what an oligarchy is? Really? Hilariously misinformed. You must watch Rachel Maddow.

  11. 2:28, Jefferson also said "The best and most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictator,whom is frequently assassinated."

  12. 736 care to back that quote up with a reasonable source?

    1. dont think he can Jefferson didnt say it


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