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Sunday, March 05, 2017

Insane: Take a look at what liberals want to tax WHITE PEOPLE for…

Without a doubt race relations have kept our nation super divided over the last few years, thanks to the effort of leftists and corrupt progressive media outlets.

One would think the way back to unity would be to stress how the color of a person’s skin is arbitrary, and that we are all human beings who share the same kind of experiences regardless of being black, white, or brown.

Nope. Not according to liberals who seem to think the only way to destroy racism is through more racism.



  1. I say just tax the liberals if they feel that way.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You need to go check out the source of this story, wesplain.com. Most will find it LOL funny. Molly will be right at home. Here are just a few of the stories on their site:

    "Suicide: The Only Way To Truly Escape Privilege?"

    "Men opening Doors for Women is a Symbol of Aggressive Patriarchy"

    "When A Kiss Isn't So Simple: How I Was Raped By A Kiss"

  3. Painting all liberals with this broad brush is the same as linking all conservatives to the White Power movement.

  4. Time to do a DNA to see what ALL my heritage is...
    I think many people would be amazed at their actual lineage.

  5. Democrats were the slave owners.

  6. Quotas and Affirmative action is racism. Hard working Americans that live to support their families instead of expecting the government to supplying their needs is not "RACISM".

  7. Their should be a Tax based on crime levels.

  8. Better start leaving the White people alone or get a

    New Revolution going .....whites sick and tired of being

    Discriminated against.....they have No Race Card !!!

    1. Dylan Roof has internet access in prison? Who knew?!

  9. OHHHHH, Molly ... Molly??? Here we go with another march or street closure

  10. Outlaw NAACP and Affirmative ACtion (Reverse Discrimination ) Take the Race Card Away

    OR you Do Not Have Equality !!!

  11. No BET No just Black colleges or anything else

    Whites don't have WET / NAAWP / Just White colleges or
    anything else.........

    Have Real Equality then all the Wining will stop !!!

    Noone should have a RACE card to get them out of everything

  12. I am already paying that tax so STFU!!

  13. I've made it to a ripe old age without prejudice until the past eight years. Now I admit I am a racist, if there is such a thing. I don't even know what the definition of the word is because it is thrown around so much. Anyway, I am a white privileged guy and proud of it. You are probably proud of me also, because the last so called leader of the free world and his minions (losers) influenced me to be racist.. Who knows, we now have the greatest POTUS in a very long time. Maybe he can get the said minions (losers) back to their senses.

  14. They need to get the H888 out of here with that crap!

  15. Come get it from me ?

  16. We need to get the message across there is no white privilege. Blacks are the ones getting all the handouts. Don't let the Democratic racists get away with this lie to gain the black vote. Shut down there racist talking points which are lies.

  17. Our government is racist, and black organizations such as the Black Caucus, NAACP, United Negro College fund, black student unions, etc., are all racist. I sure don't feel any remorse about having "white privilege." At least I'm not racist.

  18. You will not get one thin dime from us. The majority of people in the United States today have NO, NO history of slavery in their family. Now take your racist rants somewhere else. Morons.


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