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Friday, March 03, 2017


Liberal activist Barbra Streisand wants open borders but spent years fighting to keep Americans off the public beach in front of her home.


  1. Just one of her homes cost 100 million 22000sqft 11 bedrooms but ZERO refuges. ZERO illegal immigrants and ZERO SYRIANS. Also no windmills or solar panels. But tells us how many we should take in? Pos.

  2. Just another reason I hate liberals.

  3. That bag of flesh still around? Wow, I did not know that....
    NOR do I care!

  4. Another celebrity who thinks they have something relative to say. Clueless and arrogant, no one gives a dam what she thinks.

  5. They all want open borders while they hide in their "gated communities."

  6. She's so sexy...

  7. Apples and oranges

  8. Yeah, but she's filthy rich. She's better than the other 99.9% of the rest of the world. If you don't believe it, just ask her. That look says it all.

  9. She Not Relevant ....stay OUT of Politics ....stay home
    and Count Your Money...........you had your day !!!!

  10. She always got teased over her BIG Nose ....she is too Nosy
    Her old face looks like Leather .........

  11. Such a BIG SNOB !!! Unswell that head !!!

    Your shhht DOES Stink , just like everyone elses !!!

  12. Phony follow what I say not what I do. She is a has been that I used to love to hear her sing, now I won't because of the way she apparently treats others like she owns the ocean.

  13. She wants the open borders so she can staff her mansion(s) with low paid illegals. Again, anyone who wants open borders is a hypocrite if they have locks on the doors of their houses or apartments.

  14. I thought you were leaving ... get the hek out

  15. Damn! They ruined two perfectly good cke bottles to make her glasses.

    1. Lmaoss. That is funny and true.

  16. Ha ha ha, love it. The rich dont care cause it dont affect them. They dont shop at Wal mart or use common places like us common folk. Even Barnes & Noble is beginning to look trashy in front the building. W/ a trash can there. Common. Im in my late 30s and i have never seen Salisbury businesses look so nasty outside since the influx of illegals arrived.


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