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Saturday, March 11, 2017

‘GOP Shouldn’t Act Like Democrats Did’

Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) said Thursday morning that his Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives "shouldn't act like the Democrats did" while trying to pass an Obamacare replacement plan.

Cotton called on House Republicans via Twitter to discard their current bill to replace Obamacare and create an entirely new plan, Mediaite reported.

The senator's first tweet said the current bill, unveiled on Monday night, will not pass through the Senate unless there are major changes made to it.



  1. This bill just proves Ryan is not a true conservative, but a liberal republican in disguise. He talks big and disguises his words to cover up his inactions. He is another McCain, act like we want to do something. He is not doing what he said he was going to do and what the conservatives elected him to do.

  2. Only traitors act the way democrats do.

  3. The replacement is just another failure that just won't pass


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