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Thursday, March 09, 2017

GOP Plan Orders Insurers to Charge People 30% More If Uninsured for 63 Days

(CNSNews.com) - The plan to repeal and replace Obamacare unveiled by House Republican leaders on Monday orders insurance companies to charge people 30 percent more in premiums for a full year if they did not have insurance for 63 days or more in the previous year.

The sections of the Republican bill that create this mandate on insurance companies are titled: “Continuous Health Insurance Coverage Incentive,” and “Encouraging Continuous Health Insurance Coverage.”

The first subsection of the “Encouraging Continuous Health Insurance Coverage” section is entitled: “Penalty Applied.”

This subsection says insurance companies “shall” impose the penalty.

More here


  1. So basically you still get fined. Let's just hope it's cheaper then Obamacare then I'm okay with it.

  2. Why are they making us have insurance? I don't get it!

  3. Just like car insurance.

  4. 8:34 Because you are not smart enough to have it. If you don't have enough money to pay for insurance, then you don't have enough money to get sick or injured and pay for medical care.

  5. 10:30 wins stupid comment of the day. It makes absolutely no sense.

    This is similar to the old pre-existing clause. Instead of refusing treatment for a specified period of time for a pre-existing illness they are charging you up front for it whether you have it or not.

    It is a play out of the auto insurance play book. You have an accident, they charge you a percentage more for a year to make you pay them back for having to use your coverage.

  6. Throw out all 25000 pages of it, get the politicians out the door, and give us our rights to buy or not back to us from our choices of insurance providers who will work with our doctors and hospitals one on one.

    Congress should have NOTHING to do with this!

    Then watch prices plummet!

  7. People who are in the US illegally have placed an extroidinary burden on health care, schools, law enforcement, etc. We are all paying to fill the gap, including those of us who can least afford it. There was an article earlier this week about how the American dream of homeownership is being sacrificed through the raiding and dismemberment of Freddie and Fannie to pay for Obama Care. Prescriptions have gone through the roof and many are seeing their insurance companies refuse to pay for the medications prescribed by their doctors. A prescription that costs over $200 without using insurance in the US can be purchased in Canada, Mexico, or elsewhere for less than $30. I am told that this is because US insurance companies were allowed to price fix and control prescriptions in exchange for their support of Obama Care. Obama Care needs to be repealed. Mandatory coverage needs to be repealed. It is the wrong way to approach equitable access to health services and treatment. In many instances, the cost for co-pay on preventative offices have skyrocketed, yet physicians are requiring visits every 6 months (or more frequently) to have essential medications like blood pressure or cholesterol medications refilled. The end result is that consumers are paying more for all aspects of their health care and are receiving inferior services compared to pre-OC.
    Let people who want insurance purchase it. Return to a free market. Require insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, allow people to form groups again and to purchase coverage across state lines, allow inclusion on family policies of children up to 26, and allow people who want to purchase only major medical to do so. Use cutting edge cures to cure people instead of letting big pharma and the FDA keep cures out of reach in favor of maintaining us in a chronic state of disease because it's more lucrative. Trade medical education costs for internships at good facilities to provide access to health care for those who can't afford it. Get politics and corporate interests out of the equation and simplify!

  8. How does this benefit the American public? This simply makes it harder for people who can't afford insurance to get insurance. Who is going 63 days without insurance? Those who can't afford it. How is jacking the price up going to help them afford it?

    The ASBSURDITY of this plan and Obama care is making a plan that requires everyone to be insured to work, then making it voluntary. In doing so it jacks up the prices further.

    We need to stop fooling around and go with single payer program or socialized healthcare. Almost every other major nation in the world has it. The cost of healthcare is lower in these countries and the quality of health and life are better too.

    ...And before people start railing about death panels and the government deciding your health care... who do you think is going to make a good decision about the well being of you and your family? A group of people forming decisions that impacts them and their families... or an insurance company that cares ONLY about the bottom line and their profit margins and their share holders...

    Yep... something about that tells me that Insurance Companies don't really care.

  9. Basically this is to take care of the insurance companies. And the pharmacies, and the doctors, and the illegals who have NO insurance. So someone has to pay for them so the hospitals and doctors and such do not lose any money. To hell with their insurance. Let's do what the illegals do. Give them a fake name, fake address,claim not to have any id,they have to give you care no matter what.


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