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Monday, March 06, 2017

Frosh asks Homeland Security to declare Maryland courts, schools and hospitals 'safe harbors' for immigrants

Anticipating stepped-up efforts to deport people who are in the country illegally, Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh wrote to federal authorities Thursday asking that they declare the state's courts, schools and hospitals off limits to immigration agents.

In a letter to the heads of the Department of Homeland Security and immigration and border enforcement agencies, Frosh wrote that the lives of people in the country illegally could be put in danger if they are scared to use the justice system or get medical help.

Frosh, a Democrat, wrote that he was sending the letter in response to new immigration guidelines issued by the Trump administration that greatly expand the number of people considered a priority for removal from the country.



  1. What don't these Democrats understand about the word illegal!!!Give It Up send home they never should have been here in the first place. Tax sucking leeches

  2. What a shame it's okay to break the law in Maryland. What border do you think most of the illegal drugs and illegal immigrants come across. Keep it coming Maryland but please quit spending my taxe money to stop both of them. Let heroine addicts die and let illegals bring it to Maryland and stay

  3. What part of ILLEGAL do these people not get! They should lose their positions as lawyers, politicians, etc., for breaking the laws they swore to uphold.

  4. Is he SERIOUS??

    And he thinks they are going to listen to him? Or is he just grandstanding?

    Maybe they should pick him up with the illegals, so he can be there to comfort them while they await deportation.

    Stunning. But typical of a Maryland Democrat.

  5. "Frosh wrote that the lives of people in the country illegally could be put in danger if they are scared to use the justice system or get medical help."

    "I ask that you take action to remove this immediate threat to the health and safety of immigrants in Maryland.."

    If they're so scared, how about this-- they just GO HOME?


    (And BTW- what about the 'health and safety' of the citizens of Maryland when these illegals come here with all kinds of diseases like resistant TB? What about that, Mr. Frosh? Where do WE get to hide?)

  6. "... Frosh wrote that the lives of people in the country illegally..."
    AG of Md, and what part of ILLEGAL does he not understand ?!!!

    "...could be put in danger if they are scared to use the justice system or get medical help."
    So what's wrong with the illegals coming down to the same level that we the citizens and residents of Md. are at ? If the illegals were not here,maybe,just maybe we could get some justice and medical help.

  7. Can I escrow my state taxes as a law abiding citizen who doesn't support this treasonous behavior by my state as a protest?

  8. Just think how great America would be if Democrats fought this hard for Americans.

  9. How many is frost going to room and board in his house?

  10. 5:06 AM, so very true, I really wish they fought this hard for Americans.

  11. Maryland...A great place to be from....


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