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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

France's Le Pen Says the EU 'will die', Globalists to be Defeated

"The time has come to defeat globalists," she said.

The European Union will disappear, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen told a rally on Sunday, promising to shield France from globalisation as she sought to fire up her supporters in the final four weeks before voting gets underway.

Buoyed by the unexpected election of Donald Trump in the United States and by Britain’s vote to leave the EU, the leader of the eurosceptic and anti-immigrant National Front (FN) party, told the rally in Lille that the French election would be the next step in what she called a global rebellion of the people.

“The European Union will die because the people do not want it anymore … arrogant and hegemonic empires are destined to perish,” Le Pen said to loud cheers and applause.

“The time has come to defeat globalists,” she said, accusing her main rivals, centrist Emmanuel Macron and conservative Francois Fillon, of “treason” for their pro-EU, pro-market policies.

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  1. I hope that it's not too late to save France and the rest of Europe from the hordes.

  2. Not since WWII have the people.....the regular people...been so united to reject the passive non-aggressive leadership that currently rule our friends and allies. First it was Brexit, then Trump, and next will follow France! Maybe the civilized world will survive

  3. If these globalists have so much money that they are influencing governments it's time to tax them into oblivion!


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