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Sunday, March 05, 2017

Former Democratic presidential hopeful promotes festive Trump boycott

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has a new idea for a protest against President Donald Trump — and it involves shamrocks.

O’Malley, a 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful, urged Irishmen, Irishwomen and his fellow Americans to sign a petition pledging to boycott the St. Patrick’s Day gathering at the White House on March 16.

“Our tradition, the tradition of immigrant Irish people in America, is a very different tradition than what the immigrant-bashing Donald Trump and white supremacists with Irish surnames like Stephen Bannon are offering our country,” O’Malley said in a YouTube video Tuesday.

“The country we carry in our hearts is a more generous and compassionate nation,” he added.



  1. Go away Marty O'Moron!

  2. He's your President, like it or not! Grow up and get over it!!!!!

  3. It would be nice if OMalley would move back to Ireland to distance himself from Trump!

  4. Screw him. This alone is a reason to attend. (map)

  5. I'm Irish and you're an embarrassment you liberal pos.

  6. 3:36 I'm sure you had the same sentiments about Obama?

    1. @3:54, yes I did. I did not vote for Obama, and disliked many of his actions, but did not go around protesting. Nor would I have supported others doing so. He was my President because I am an American citizen. The immaturity of people protesting against Trump is mind boggling.

  7. Leave our shamrocks alone! You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about doing this!

  8. O'Malley put so many blacks in jail when he ran the City, there was no room to lock up illegals.

  9. Not an Irishman....

  10. A large number of Irishmen & women came to this country as SLAVES and indentured servants. we are for FREEDOM, TRUMP STYLE.

  11. This nothing will do anything no matter how stupid to try and make himself relevant. Yes go away omally. He got his rank arse handed to him in the primary even in MD and so his boy Brown when he ran for governor. It's time he figured out he is a nothing except a useful idiot for the democrats.

  12. Martin o'sucky haven't you don't enough damage to this state already? You're a nobody so go crawl back under your green slimy rock!

  13. I wish he would just GO AWAY!!!

  14. Does anyone even listen to him anymore? They didn't when he was running for the nomination.

  15. This goof is on his own. I don't think the democrats even want him. Martin, your children are watching.


  16. I'm Irish. O'Malley is the lowest of the low. Seeking to undermine and undercut St. Patrick's Day. For shame!

    May his beer always taste like bad water, and his instrument strings be like overdone pasta.

    Go far away, Martin.

  17. I urge everyone to shove a shamrock up OweMouthey's rear end

  18. I had forgotten how forceful he was with Black citizens of Baltimore. He wants their votes but just doesn't want THEM.

  19. Embarrassment to all.

  20. Sit down O Malley, your time has passed.


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