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Monday, March 06, 2017

Flashback-Schumer: ‘It Didn’t Matter’ AG Lynch Met with Clinton During Email Probe

After then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch confirmed she met with former President Bill Clinton on a plane last June, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) dismissed calls for an independent prosecutor to take over the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Today, however, Schumer called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign and demanded a special prosecutor because of a report Sessions had met with the Russian Ambassador in 2016, something he did not disclose during his confirmation hearings.

Sessions denies the report and says he “never met with any Russian officials to discuss the issues of the (Trump presidential) campaign.”

“I think it didn’t matter,” Schumer said regarding the then-attorney general’s private meeting with Clinton – even though the former president’s wife, Hillary, was running for president and had been endorsed by Lynch's boss, President Barack Obama.

The FBI was investigating Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state, amid concerns that she mishandled classified information, and it was up to Lynch to sign off on that investigation.



  1. They are nothing but corrupt,need term limits badly.

  2. Partisan politics being interjected in to functions that are supposed to be non-partisan - is the dumbocrat way....their-way-or-the-highway!

  3. Democrats make their own rules.

  4. Republicans need to forget all the bull crap and get to work. Democrats have the Republicans in a defensive mode and thats exactly what they want,nothing will get accomplished if Republicans don't wise up.

  5. Got news for that Scum Shumer (scammer) IT DOES MATTER !!!


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