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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Ex-Navy SEAL: UK's Muslim 'Mini Societies' Enable Terror

The United Kingdom has allowed Muslim immigrants to "create mini societies within the British empire" that lead to Islamic radicalization and end in tragedies like Wednesday's bloodbath outside Parliament, Carl Higbie, a retired Navy SEAL, told Newsmax TV.

The British government, British society has become so accustomed and so engrained that this [terrorism] is a potential possibility . . . that this is just a part of society now," Higbie told host Bill Tucker on Thursday's "America Talks Live."

"It's a norm to have Islamic extremists come in, run people over, and stab people . . . They've allowed this mass migration of predominately Muslim people to come in, take over entire regions. Not hostilely, but move in and basically create mini societies within the British Empire.

The British government has allowed this to happen, and if they deny that it has anything to do with their immigration policies, they are completely false and profoundly ignorant."



  1. Same events occurring in the US. Google info. regarding Dearborn, Michigan, etc.

  2. Just like the ones in Michigan? Just wait, our turn will be here soon enough!

  3. Truth...We need to have a Federal Law and each State needs to enact a law to say there will be NO sharia law allowed anywhere in the country/state. period Do this NOW!!!

  4. We have a war coming with muslims and I hope it comes soon while we can still win it. I also hope the next terrorist attack is against a bunch of super liberal idiots like the MSM and UC Berkley maybe that would get their attention.


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