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Friday, March 24, 2017


While there are some 2,000 registered voters in Laurel Delaware, dozens of them were turned away yesterday as they were not registered with the town of Laurel. 

NOWHERE did the advertised information state that each resident had to register with the town outside of stating you have to be a resident more then 30 days in order to vote. 

So what happened, the incumbent Mayor won the election by 11 votes and let me tell you, residents of Laurel are ticked! 

One individual is a life long resident of Laurel and they had NO IDEA they had to register with the town first in order to vote in a local election. They went in to vote and were turned away, along with many other people who have grown tired of the former Mayor who just seems to keep winning each election. Now you know why.

Have you heard of this in ANY other publication or TV News, NO. The Good Ol' Boys are alive and well here on the Shore. You PAY for subscriptions and they don't educate you with facts.

So you can vote for President, Governor, Congress, Senators and Delegates but you cannot vote for Mayor unless you register with the town and guess where the ONLY place the election information was advertised, the Laurel Star. Who owns the Laurel Star, Senator Brian Richardson. GO FIGURE!

Because it was not advertised in any publication that you have to register with the town well in advance, (or at all) this election should be VOID and another election should be held instead. 


  1. How do they vote for their town council?

  2. The same way the newspaper. There used to be a newsletter every two months but not anymore most people don't even know there is an election

  3. Why do the words "law suit" come to mind???

  4. The town charter clearly states you must also register with the town to vote in the municipal elections but in the newspaper it just states you have to be a registered voter like I said a lot of confusion for no reason

  5. Funny how we keep telling you stupid people that all of this was going on around here, and you just ran your mouth, you ran your mouth so much, you couldn't see the evidence that what we said was true... Then you demonized us becasue you get your news from the lying media, which lies to you... Funny how that goes...

    Now that you are affected by it, you seem to care, and seem to want something done about it, but as usual guess what???? You are to late and a dollar short!!!! Every single time!!!!! Maybe, just maybe you will start to actually listen to us about this stuff... IF you know how govt works, based on research, you can predict or figure out what will happen next... And if you knew anything, about anything, you would know, history repeats itself, always!!!!!

  6. well it is laurel. not the sharpest tools in the shed live there.

    March 24, 2017 at 10:34 AM

    why do you waste both our time with your drivel?


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