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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Dog attacks, kills 8-month-old in Md.

WASHINGTON — A family dog fatally mauled an 8-month-old boy in a Lusby, Maryland, home Thursday afternoon.

According to the Calvert County Sheriff’s Department, deputies were dispatched to Prancer Court in Lusby after the attack was reported just after 1 p.m.

Deputies arrived within one minute of the initial call, the department said, and saw the dog still attacking the child. They shot the dog to stop the attack and immediately determined that the boy had died.



  1. And Marc Kilmer and John Cannon want to do away with dog ordinances in Wicomico County. Bunch of idiots!

  2. What kind of dog?

  3. What breed was the dog??????????????

  4. Being the breed of dog wasn't mentioned, we can assume that it was a Pitt Bull, and its no longer politically correct to identify them as a viscous breed.

  5. Be willing to put money on the fact that it was a Pitt Bull. Stop the Breed!!!!!

  6. An 8-month-old boy was killed Thursday in Calvert County when the family's pit bull attacked him, authorities said.

  7. Had to google to find an update.

    The “pit-bull” type dog and 8-month-old baby boy were being cared for at the residence by a family friend at the time of the attack.

  8. People incorrectly blame the breed. Any breed can cause trouble. The difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the bigger breeds can cause proportionately bigger damage. It is important to recognize the power of a strong breed, like the pit bull, the Cane Corso, and the Mastiff. These dogs are very powerful and, if they are unbalanced, they can cause serious injury.Bad things happen when powerful breeds (or mixes of powerful breeds) live with humans who like the breed but don’t understand and fulfill the animal in the dog.

  9. Mant pit bulls are victims of owners who train them to attack, growl, and be overly protective/ aggressive. You can train any dog like that right down to a chihuahua. I've been attacked without reason by one of those little shaggy dogs the size of a mop just for walking in the door of the marina to buy gas.

    It's not the breed, it's the owners' training tactics. Pit bulls can be truly loving and cuddly friends, I know 4.

    1. Blah blah blah..... Pit Bulls should be banned. Period!

  10. 8:00 ya, and anyone can be a Terrorist, but who most often is it, Muslims, and Pitt bulls, both are killers!

  11. I'm no expert but I would think it would have to do more with their owner and training than a particular breed

  12. This pit bull was raised in. Good neighbourhood since a small puppy and was six to eight years old..these dogs snap and kill people who care for them all the time..this breed is very much an animal not a dog to be trusted alone with strangers or children...you can not predict when or what will set them off.

  13. Anonymous said...
    8:00 ya, and anyone can be a Terrorist, but who most often is it, Muslims, and Pitt bulls, both are killers!

    March 24, 2017 at 9:45 PM


  14. Anonymous said...
    I'm no expert but I would think it would have to do more with their owner and training than a particular breed

    March 24, 2017 at 10:34 PM

    Like you said you are no expert....

  15. Anonymous said...
    And Marc Kilmer and John Cannon want to do away with dog ordinances in Wicomico County. Bunch of idiots!

    March 24, 2017 at 3:55 PM

    That's why those 2 will be voted out in 2 years.

  16. Like you said you are no expert....

    March 25, 2017 at 12:30 AM

    Yeah and..?

    Could you contribute something to the topic? Or are you here just to waste our time?

  17. were the deputies next door? There's no way they could get there in 1 minute even if they were.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blah blah blah..... Pit Bulls should be banned. Period!

    March 25, 2017 at 7:29 AM

    horse hockey. stupid people need to be banned, period.

    then maybe we wouldn't have to read/hear your nonsense any longer. wishful thinking I know.

  19. Unless you own a Pit Bull you have no idea what you are talking about.

  20. It's not all pit bulls. Use common sense.

  21. my ex neighbors must be reading all these killer dog stories lately and getting scared. they are scared of a golden retriever growling at them for gosh sakes. a golden is one of the most gentle breeds you can get. I didn't know I lived around so many snowflakes and busybodies.


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