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Saturday, March 04, 2017

‘Despicable’ — Chelsea Clinton Pops Off At Democrat Who Said Kellyanne Looked ‘Familiar’ On Her Knees

Chelsea Clinton said a sexually charged joke directed at White House aide Kellyanne Conway by Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond was “despicable,” and called on Richmond to apologize to Conway.

Referring to a picture of Conway kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office, Richmond said she looked “familiar” with being on her knees, a comment that she described as sexist.



  1. Wow..I never imagined a Clinton showing that much class. Good for her. Richmond's remarks don't surprise me. He has not class whatsoever.

  2. That isn't class. She is being groomed to run for office. A Clinton will say anything to get into office.

  3. She's just pissed off that this reminds everyone of her father

    1. You are correct.
      She is not in the least concerned about Kellyanne or other women. This is about the dirty clinton legacy.

  4. she sure has nerve KELLY ANN is not the first woman to get on her knees in the oval office at least she was decent hard to believa a democrat would say such a comment after Monica

  5. Democrats always liked to abuse women.

  6. Note that the A-hole who made the comment is not Caucasian!

  7. Taking a picture of black men in Oval Office for their families. After President Trump signed a bill for Black Colleges. Mainstream ignores that part and calls him a racist. I hope President Trump dismantles the mainstream media.

  8. Hit a little too close to home :)

  9. At least Richmond was TRUTHFUL! Can the elder Clinton's say the same?



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