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Monday, March 20, 2017

Democrats in House of Delegates Kill Governor Hogan's Re-Districting Reform Bill Without Discussion

Governor Hogan opened this session with an ambitious open government package to combat the significant corruption we've seen in Annapolis recently. House Bill 385 was a crucial piece of that package as it would reform the way districts are drawn and end gerrymandering in the State of Maryland. Today, Democrats on the Rules and Executive Nominations committee chose to vote to kill the bill without so much as a discussion on it.

"We are extremely disappointed that the House of Delegates has chosen to kill Governor Hogan's common sense redistricting initiative without even a discussion in committee. Democrats in every other state support initiatives like these and it's clear that the Democratic establishment is only hungry to keep their power instead of letting Marylanders decide who represents them," said Maryland Republican Party Chairman Dirk Haire.

Democrats who voted to kill the bill include:


Publishers Notes: One has to wonder from here on out, is this a part of Governor Hogan's Master Plan? Run as a Republican but let your legislature walk all over you while ACTING like they screwed you.


  1. Delegate Maggie McIntosh?

    The Lesbian Democrat who represents Baltimore City. Democrats, fruitcakes and minorities.

    Why is it that the majority(whites) are controlled by the minority(blacks). That is exactly what is happening in the state of Maryland.

    Maryland would be better off having an electoral college that voted for our Governor.

    These counties have way to much power. It should be one county one vote!

    I'm sick and tired of hearing Term Limits. Term Limits isn't the problem.

    1. Like give electoral college per county... I think the Senate districts should be just like how the national senate is 2 per state but instead 2 per county. And the house of delegates would be given by the population of the County but a county should have at least 1 representative. That's what maryland should do.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 20, 2017 at 5:46 PM

    I would blame those Crooked Liberal Democ-rats from area of the Beltway, before blaming Hogan? Those Obstructionist Ghetto elected Democ-rats have created gravy train for themselves in Maryland and unless we the people, kick them out of office, nothing will change, regardless of who the governor is.

  3. There is only one legal way to destroy a tyrannical government, its a right, a responsibility, a duty of we the people. The other option, and I never thought I would say this....we need the federal government to interseed. There will be outcomes from the trials from the gerrymandering violations, not sure our state can keep its head above water till then tho. Best be prayin real hard for God to open some doors. Could be Hogan is in on the fix, not sure any of them are honest and forthright anymore. Cant trust'em with anything.

  4. File lawsuit other States have. Where is your chestnuts Hogan?

  5. I'm not voting Hogan again!

  6. Anonymous said...
    5:48 nailed it!

    March 20, 2017 at 6:59 PM

    I'm sorry, but I didn't see the 5:48 post??


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