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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Dem Rep Maxine Waters: Trump ‘Not Normal,’ Does Not Deserve to Be President or Honored

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Saturday that President Donald Trump was “not normal, and he does not deserve to be honored” during MSNBC’s “AM Joy.”

“[Trump]’s not normal,” Waters told host Joy Reid. “And he does not deserve to be honored.”

Waters also said the president is not someone who “deserves to be president of the United States.”

She continued, “I don’t go to these ceremonial events where you’re praising and honoring and exchanging niceties. And for those people who say, ‘Oh, he became presidential,’ he did not. He cannot become presidential. He is who he is.."



  1. This just goes to show you how left-wing the mainstream media is. Out of all the representatives in Congress why do they keep picking out an idiot like this to interview who only has one opinion one way

  2. Talk about "not normal". Ms Waters is NOT normal.

  3. Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
    No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

  4. The people and networks that even give this idiot air time are as ignorant as she is lol

  5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest II

  6. Joy Ried another race baiting POS.

  7. First class case of a pot calling the kettle black/

  8. Where did you get that picture of Maxine?

  9. 939am +1

    thank you!

    1. must be from her younger days

  10. He may not be particularly presidential, but he isn't Hillary Clinton, and that's why so many of us voted the way we did.

  11. Her low intelligence, low ethics and morals, her corrupt politics, and her liberal views define her. NO ONE could care less about her, or her opinion. Like others like her: Al Sharpton, Farakan, Jesse Jackson, Obama, most of the democratic party. The American people have made it clear what they want and she sure ain't it!

  12. Maxine needs some dental work and breath mints

  13. Shes right , he isnt normal as he doesnt take any of the MSM or democrat BS--HE FIGHTS BACK!!! Unlike most Republicans that want the media & dims to like them ( will never happen) President Trump could give a rats ass

  14. obama was the worst president in history. He had No experience other than being an instigator but yet WE didn't march in protest, burn cars, destroy property, assault people. If WE do start to retaliate, those a.. w.pe communist liberals will be very sorry. I believe they are trying to overthrow this government !!!

  15. Look at the source of that comment. A racist, delusional black woman.

  16. I think she's been using too much of the California ganja. She is totally wacked! 3 fries short of a Happy Meal.
    How in God's name did she get re-elected? Of all the people in her district, they couldn't find ONE with a fully functioning brain?!??

  17. Wow, she sure doesn't have her best face on in that photo.

  18. And Maxine is a dumb ***

  19. Who's dumber, Maxine or those that voted for her?

  20. That is a very good picture of Maxine Waters you put on here. Anyone can see the likeness.

  21. Looks Like Pelosi >>>> wining !!

  22. Who the heck listens to this wig-wearing walking cadaver anymore?

  23. She looks better in this picture than when I see her on C-span. What did you do, photoshop? She looks beautiful here!


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