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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Conway: I 'Meant No Disrespect' With Feet on Oval Office Couch

Kellyanne Conway was picked apart by some media outlets Tuesday for putting her feet on the couch in the Oval Office while attempting to take a group photo, something she later said she did not mean to do.

"I was being asked to take a picture in a crowded room with the press behind us," Conway told Lou Dobbs on the Fox Business Network.

"I was asked to take a certain angle and was doing exactly that. I certainly meant no disrespect, I didn't mean to have my feet on the couch."

President Donald Trump met with leaders from the nation's historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the Oval Office ahead of their listening session with administration officials.

"These are the presidents and other leaders within the historically black college and universities and they came to visit the White House," she said. "Of course, just today, the President signed the executive order on HCBU's, and I had an occasion to speak at length to many of those leaders before that picture, and after that picture, and again today," she continued.


  1. Absolutely stupid people obsess over this nonsense when so much bigger issues are at play. Conway shouldn't even have to waste her time answering for this idiocy. Grow up people. It's clear this is a smear job while Democrats try to get her fired for nothing.

  2. I saw the picture. She looked kind of sexy on the couch!
    She was not wearing shoes. Obama was when he put his feet up on the desk. I don't see any issue with this!

  3. As much as Obama has his feet all over the couch, desk and coffee table and nothing said. Just another attempt to demean Conway cause the Dems are afraid of her.

  4. She can put her cute little feet all over me anytime she wants to.

  5. It's a COUCH, for crying out loud!

  6. Kellyanne is doing just fine thank you...

  7. As long as she had her shoes off I don't see anything wrong with having her feet on the couch after all people lay down on a couch with their feet on the couch. Better a couch then a desk or table like the dapos ex president(love saying that) BO did.

  8. Just think about what we all have done on couches. Why is this even a discussion! That's right - liberals!!

  9. Liberals have another set of standards for women.

  10. I am confused as to why she is apologizing for anything.
    Has no none seen the pictures of Obummer lounging with his feet, with shoes on, on the desk, chair, chair arm, coffee table and such?
    What pray tell is the big deal?
    If it is good enough for one person to do, who can fault someone else?
    Grow up folks!!

  11. You can't fix stupidity. Get over it.

  12. I'd check the sofa for cigars under the cushions before I sat there.

  13. having you feet on the couch is better than Obama's BBQ in the bathtub

  14. Who cares what the media thinks!

  15. She did have tan high heels on, look at it again

  16. Did the media "pick apart" the president that was getting oral sex in the Oval Office (remember him?)? Nope, they supported him in all that he did. That's the democrat, main stream media for you. How about the last president that put his shod feet all over the Oval Office furniture. Hear anything from the MSM over that? Nope again. The bias from them is deafening. Trump is going to destroy them (and put some of them out of business).


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