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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Colin Kaepernick Decides To Stand For The National Anthem


  1. Replies
    1. @3:57. Too late for her too!!!🙄

  2. hey 5:39
    too late for you also

  3. I hope that all of the other sports pros, college and high school players who decided to take a knee in the past year will be shamed, too. Kneeling is as easy as wearing your hat on sideways at Grandma's dinner table, and says just as much about you.

  4. Sure is too late for the trashy dude and as far as the above comments, this lady is intelligent and patriotic while the hump should just stay on his knee and pray that he be blessed to continue living in this great country. Because if it were up to me and like minded Americans his stupid nasty self would be thrashed and put in the front lines to cushion the blow for American fighting men and women.

  5. Why on Earth would Glenn Beck fire her???!!! Dumb and dumber. She'll land a great job on Fox before next month. Guaranteed. Way too smart and pretty not to.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 28, 2017 at 10:18 AM

    No team in NFL wants to sign him, so now all of a sudden he changed his mind. Too late. Maybe he should choose to play in Canadian Football League and kneel on their sidelines.

  7. Too late for him. He had multiple opportunities to change his behaviour. After he has been removed from a team and no one else will touch him is just way too late.
    He is/was a slow learner, thankfully, he has now learned that is behaviour that is acceptable and some that is not.
    Now it is time to flip those burgers.

  8. Hey K get on your knees for a burger king job u pos.

  9. He is a Liberal Loser and I do not feel sorry for him. He should understand that the Flag is to be honored, not trashed, and he Disrespected Too Many Americans to ever be accepted here again!


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