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Monday, March 20, 2017

Carozza pushes numerous bills this session

Maryland State Delegate Mary Beth Carozza (R-38C) has had an active couple of weeks in Annapolis, with three bills going into their initial hearings and another piece earning unanimous House approval last month, while three more measures had initial hearings this month.

On its way to the Maryland Senate is House Bill 256, which addresses adult protective services investigations. It looks to double the time local social service departments have to conduct non-emergency inquiries from 30 to 60 days. The legislation passed the house by a 138-0 vote on Feb. 23.

“I believe many of our best ideas for increasing public safety come from those on the front lines who work with our elderly on a daily basis,” Carozza said in a press release. “This change to increase the investigative time for these cases would result in more findings of abuse and neglect, and more protections for our most vulnerable elderly.”

Prohibiting bow riding is the aim of HB 1609, an emergency boat safety co-sponsored by Delegate Charles Otto (R-38A), which had an initial house hearing on Feb. 23. The legislation is cross-filed with SB1147, sponsored by Maryland Senator Jim Mathias (D-38), which had a first senate reading on Feb. 24.



  1. Bob Aswell ...RealistMarch 21, 2017 at 11:35 AM

    Mary Beth Carozza is just as worthless as Jim Mathias only in a different way. I sent her an E-mail concerning the rete hike granted DPL and she nor her staff had the common courtesy to respond. The reason for the same is self evident in as much as she shares the bounty from electric utilities as does Mathias and some of the Eastern Shore delegation. Check their respective campaign donation reports. Hogan the same boat. They are secure in their situations and could give a damn less about the electorate and their families. Just remember ' ALL POLITICIANS GO TO HELL IN THE END'. This is the wage of their devious ways and lies. Bob Aswell...Realist

  2. She is a fantastic representative . 11:35, you get out there and do the job


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