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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Brilliant Response to Liberal Claim “My Body, My Choice”

How often do you hear a liberal woman selfish child trapped in a grown liberal woman’s body make the claim, “My body, my choice”. I see it literally every time we write about the importance of being pro-life. It’s right up there with the, “How is a MAN trying to tell me what to do with my body?”

The fact that it’s even a debate whether or not a woman is able to kill an unborn child because she was irresponsible and doesn’t want to be punished with a baby (as Obama likes to say) is mind-boggling. I guess they are consistent though and don’t believe in personal responsibility under any circumstances. So they got that going for them… which is nice.

If you don’t want to have a baby, how about you try having sex with condoms and birth control, or the most radical idea, don’t have sex until you’re ready.



  1. This movement should also include being able to sell your body for sex, the government needs to stay out of our bedrooms, backseats, alleys, Bars, wherever we want to get sex.

  2. Prostitution should be legal insane to me women politicians are against it.

  3. Want people to use condoms and other contraceptive? Teach about it in schools instead of forcing abstinence only education.


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