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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Brigitta Mullican joined Tucker Carlson Tonight, furious about a rape at a Maryland school.


  1. To think many of the democrat in the MD House including that local POS Hughes voted to make MD a sanctuary city. Goes to show what a disgusting ill bred immoral sorry excuse for a human being that Hughes is. A disgrace of a human being. A sick disturbed POS. This state already has enough criminals and that filth wants more. She as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside.

  2. C'mon... the girls own mother waited a full day before reporting her "missing".

    I don't think this is what it appears...

  3. It's interesting that the Democrats would happily use 'saving the life of one child' as the only justification to ignore the 2nd amendment and ban and confiscate all guns, however when it comes to illegal aliens, there doesn't seem to be any level of mayhem committed on children or otherwise that justifies taking any action at all.

  4. pretty sure you can be in md school's until age 21. then they have to tell you to leave. when i grew up at 18 you were done. I think they should make it age 26 the same year you come off mommy and daddys health care plan!


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