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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Berlin MSP: St. Patricks Day DUI Saturation Patrol Press Release


  1. Try to catch me copper.

  2. Just remember people if you are ordered to do a breathalyzer, it is exactly that, a single breath analyzer. Which means when the cops shout at you to blow blow blow! They are doing that because it registers a higher amount the harder you breathe out. You take in a breath and exhale normally. Not until your lungs are burning and completely empty! They will threaten you by lying and saying you have to follow their orders, but you are. So please don't drive drunk, but don't get tricked into blowing higher than you are! Cops only care about the tickets and quotas and do anything they can to fulfill them. If it was about safety there wouldnt be a fine....

  3. You can also refuse to blow in the first place. Sure it's a pain in the butt because you will be taken down to central and possibly booked, but they have to wait until a commissioner issues a warrant for a blood test, then take your blood. By that point, your bod will have processed a lot of the alcohol in your system through nature and adrenaline rush.

    But here's even better advice and it's really simple to begin with: Don't drink and drive in the first place.


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