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Monday, March 06, 2017

Barbra Streisand: Trump 'is making me gain weight'

Barbra Streisand snarked that she is packing on the pounds — and President Trump is to blame.

"Donald Trump is making me gain weight. I start the day with liquids, but after the morning news, I eat pancakes smothered in maple syrup!" the singer tweeted Saturday.

"Trump just accused Obama of tapping his phones. Seriously crazy times," Streisand tweeted minutes later. "Time for more pancakes."



  1. If she got a nose job, she would lose ten pounds.

  2. Typical democrat. Constantly lying. No self control, blaming others. No one makes you fat but yourself. If the fat ugly big nosed skank wouldn't stop ramming food down her putrid throat she wouldn't gain weight.

  3. I hear crow is fattening.

  4. 1:06 Such anger, don't worry about the babs she will move to canada

  5. We have gone from Bush did it to Trump's to blame. Not one Democrat, it seems, can take any responsibility for their own actions!

  6. How many pancakes you eat and with how much syrup is what's known as personal choice, there, snarky rich person.

    Might I suggest a stick of butter for every stack of 3 pancakes? I'm sure that it would be really scrumptious!

  7. She already has a FAT HEAD because of her ego and arrogance. Her head get any bigger she will be in the Macy's parade as a balloon.

  8. Maybe the liquids she starts the morning with shouldn't be Chardonnay and a malted milkshake.

  9. Thought she was moving out of the US and giving up her US citizenship like Obama did and never in the later years ever become a US citizenship again.

  10. I hope she explodes.

  11. Someone glue her mouth shut. That would solve two problems.

  12. They all lied when they said they would move out of the country.

    Why on earth should we be listening to anything they are saying now about OUR Country?

    They are either NON- citizens at this point or squatters not participating in their fair share.

    F___ them and their "opinions".

  13. And what did you weigh before Trump came on the scene, Barb? Three years ago you were headed toward Blubberville.


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