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Friday, March 24, 2017

As Religious Influence Ebbs in America, Incivility Increases

Is a post-Christian America a kinder, more tolerant America? It would not seem so.

For decades angry progressives have attacked religion as the source of most social ills and demanded every last vestige of Christian influence be purged from the public square.

It seems progressives are seeing their wish realized. Though America has long been a religious nation, the level of religious observance has been declining. According to data from Pew Research, in recent years, while the overwhelming majority of Americans say they believe in God, the number of those with no religious affiliation has skyrocketed from 6% in 1992 to 22% in 2014. Among Millennials, 35% have no religious connection.

While the political Left is more apt to shun religion in general and Christianity in particular, this disturbing trend is showing up among an unexpected demographic: white Republicans. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, the percentage of white Republicans with no religious affiliation has almost tripled since 1990.

If one accepts the Left’s premise that religion is a negative influence in public life (what, with its opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion, etc.) then one would think a waning influence of Christianity would make America a more tolerant society, correct?

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  1. The downfall of the family unit will be the downfall of the world.

  2. A number of church signs read, "No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Must be true.

  3. I have noticed that for quite some time. People are just rude and ignorant. Young people act like they were not raised with any common sense or manners. I'm sure their parents are very proud.

  4. Lend me you ear for a minute Joe. You have a very popular blog, you have proved that time and time again with your "hits". You gather a lot of news stories and put them up some we can read them in one forum instead of searching all over the internet for each one. It's very convenient, efficient and we can even share thoughts and ideas via the comments section.

    Being this thread is about the incivility of the world lately, I would like to suggest an addition to your blog.

    It's just an idea in the infant stages and the implementation would be up to you and your staff.

    With all the negativity, hate and general discord in the world around us, how about a constant section of uplifting stories, articles, anecdotes and other such things to make people feel good and more positive in their general outlook?

    Not to blow smoke up anyone's butt or some pie in the sky stuff, just some inspiring articles for people to enjoy and hopefully carry over to their own lives and perhaps influence them to commit acts of kindness to others.

    I am certain that it would be well received and contribute to people being more kind to their neighbors and could be a spark to ignite a positive change in society at large.

    I think you would agree we desperately need SOMETHING to counter all the ill will we see and hear every day. Maybe a thread of people sharing their own stories of people doing being kind and generous to them, or they being kind and generous to others. Something along those lines.

    It could be tweaked as time goes on to find the right 'formula'.

    What do you think?


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