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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Are You In?

Maryland for Trump
17 mins
It is confirmed the two savages that raped an innocent teenage girl are indeed ILLEGALLY inside the United States, attending our tax-supported schools. Yet, the careless legislators in the MD House of Delegates think ICE needs to stand down - essentially sticking their middle finger to this little girl.

Regardless of your political affiliation, we will make it a personal mission to assure each of them lose their seats in 2018....even to another Democrat. Are you in?


  1. goodluck with that

    remember the baltimore/dc corridor has different values/agenda than the rest of the state

  2. Exactly what 10:13 AM said, good luck with that... To may fat lazy stupid people who vote,and you think anything will change??? Look at your hero the Governor, who has no balls or back bone or anything...

  3. ALL IN!! This s#*t has to stop! I dont care what party youre in this is getting worse everyday as our Govt officials whether REP or DEM have turned their backs on this. Have they no feelings, heart or perhaps any remorse for what they are allowing to happen. Maybe they should visit the young lady's family and see the the results of their negligence first hand.

  4. I have been in since Reagan- Thank God for President Trump!


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