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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Americans are having less sex than they once did

It used to be that along with certain tax benefits, one advantage to being married was having more sex than singletons.

That benefit is steadily diminishing, according to a study released Tuesday. Overall, American adults are having less sex than they did a quarter century ago, with married people showing the most dramatic decline of all.

The paper, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, showed a drop across gender, race, region, education level and work status. One factor is the higher percentage now of unpartnered people, who tend to have less sex than partnered ones. But a major driver is a steady fall in the rate of sexual activity for people who are married or living with partners, which reduces what had been known as the “marriage advantage.”



  1. Yes , because they are worked to death !!! FACT

    Our Govt has gone to hell and taking the country down with it........No time for fun !!! We are working Slaves !!!

    1. Yet you found time to read this blog and post a comment. Get off your computer and go enjoy your partner. Stop blaming everyone but yourself.

  2. Wash Post???
    That paper which isn't a paper anymore but costs 20x as much as it used to???

    Utter Bullship!

    Married over 30 years, retired, social media DOESN'T run or lives and the "love" is WAY better today than ever!

    True that when working (both of us) it was difficult in our professions to be in sync every week. Work life - WAY over-rated!

  3. SEX ? what is that ??

  4. Bj's are Not sex according to President Clinton , so factor
    this in ....resulting in less sex in USA !!!
    Can't count Bj's !! in the total ..........

  5. Yeah and when you do have sex once a month it feels like marriage punishment to. So pound some drinks, just lay there and think about your boyfriend

  6. I've been married for almost 17 years and haven't had sex since 2009. She's too consumed on her phone all the time. Come to think of it, that is the same year she asked me if she looked fat. She's had 4 kids and looks like #5 is due real soon, but that would be the longest pregnancy known to humankind. I am faithful for some stupid reason. I hate it.

  7. 10:48. I feel your pain. I've been married 3 wonderful years. 28, actually...but 3 were wonderful. All my friends think I'm a saint for being celibate for so long. If I cheated, I would be considered a bad husband, but being in a sexless marriage is the 'honorable' thing to do? I'd rather commit hiari kaeri. Swift and over with. I don't get it. I'm a successful person, youthful looks, great sense of humor and always get 'picked up' by other women when I go out. Never cheat, though I've thought about it. But, my wife has given up sex for lent, and never restarted. I give up. If it weren't for the kids, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.
    Thank god for hands!

  8. Big girls need love too. I bet you aren't a Channing Tatum either. Old people cling to religion and think sex is for making babies. There are some people that can separate sex and love. If you love your spouse but no longer want to be sexual with them, let them enjoy it with someone else as long as the love remains between you. Cheaper than divorce and better for the children.

  9. Gentleman .... meet the new and unimproved, all knowing, all ruling alpha female.

  10. I'm lucky to get this on my birthday each year! Since the kids came along and we both work full time, we have make time on the calendar for this. It was either the wrong time of the month, or prep for birth control. No longer became enjoyable or fun like it was when we first got married. We are both over fifty, I would still like to have this back in our relationship, but I don't want to have to go begging for it. At least there is the internet!

  11. 8:16 Your wife probably doesn't want to have sex with you because of your porn use. No woman wants her man watching porn.

    1. No lady, he watches porn to relieve the sexual tension his wife won't!!

  12. From reading the comments, at least I am not alone! Married over 28 years and also no sex in the past 7 years. I have hung in there for the kids. They are both grown now and in college. I've worked too hard over the years to loose everything we have like our home. I don't want to miss out on family activities like being a grandparent. I can understand why some men cheat. When there is nothing in the marriage, you go elsewhere for the affection. I have remained faithful. I took a vow when I got married, and I have honored it. I still attend church and try to find other things to fulfill my life. We get along fine and do things together, but it is basically a platonic relationship. Sleep in the same bed, but are more like roommates than a true husband and wife. The late Robin Williams stated this very well by saying you can be married, and yet feel like your are alone. I feel kind of this way sometimes.

  13. after I saw nancy Pelosi for the first time I gave up on sex, who would want to produce something like that

  14. When you are Single > You can Mingle > and your pockets will
    Jingle !!!

    Everyone wants what they Cannot have ......

    Everything that Looks Good May not be so Good ....

    Looks are one thing > Personality is another ...

    Everyone's shhht stinks > even the really pretty ones ...

  15. Sorry to alarm you guys that are not having your needs meant. But, you may think the bride is not into it. Jody is taking advantage of your loss and you can bet on that on. Unless she is in her late seventies or eighties.

  16. Hot Wife = Happy Life !!!

  17. The pills make more thrills ....if you last 4 hrs on them
    call and Thank Your Doctor !!

  18. Hot Hubby = Fun in the Tubby !!

  19. A Threesome will stimulate things before you die !!

  20. Call the Blue Pill men , when you want a REAL man !!

  21. Nice to know that I'm not alone. It almost seems to be the norm these days. This really sucks. Why do we stay faithful? I don't know for sure, but I think it is because those of us with children are more likely to do right by them than we are to ourselves. Is it wrong to stay in a marriage out of convenience? What does that teach our children? I grew up without my parents together and being disowned by my so called Dad for months at a time a few times a year has made me want to give my children what I didn't have. It just so happened that I got with a woman with 2 kids and she gave me 2 kids. She was raised with a neglectful mother and absent father as well. She practically raised her younger brothers. Early on, we agreed to always be together no matter what, but this is really sad. I'm honoring my commitment, but I'm not happy about it. Is it really sacrificing pleasure on our end to not have sex or love for that matter as long as our children are happy and loved? We all have just one life to live, and maybe we should be more selfish and see to it that our needs are satisfied. After all, nobody is going to do it for us. I'm almost 40 and am in fear of starting over with someone else, but I don't see any satisfaction coming from my situation anytime soon. When my youngest is gone, I'm out. I've discussed this with her, and she has already had multiple affairs. And to be perfectly clear here, you can be intimate with someone without having sex. If there is no communication, there is nothing. The physicality of it is exercise and very healthy for us, but the lack of mental companionship is even worse. Robin Williams is correct. In my case, if you aren't on social media, which I'm not and haven't been since '07, then you aren't a priority to my spouse. She is nothing more than a phone-focused-junky. I absolutely hate it. Also, I'm the bad guy when I tell her in front of my kids to pick up a book and read. I've spent forever trying to get her to be more than just a phone. Though I must say, it is nice to know that I'm not alone.

    1. You are not alone my friend. Is it better for your children to see a faithful doormat? Or a strong independent minded man that made lemonade out of lemons?

  22. Don't marry for looks > marry for personality !!

  23. Put your Hubby in the Tubby and Rub- a - Dub Dubby !!!

  24. I fell sorry for you people in a sexless (or close to) marriage. This is something that should be discussed before marriage. You need to be upfront and on the same level to keep both parties happy. Sex is a very important part of a relationship. When people ask me how we have a good relationship and have been together so long...I'm like the sex! My husband does kinda hate it when I tell people that. Yes there is more to us but this is something that we share together and its important to both of us. 20 years together this year and we have 2 kids. And neither one of us are a-holes stuff can happen medically and mentally we understand that and wouldn't part but I believe we could work around that because we are on the same page.


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