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Thursday, March 09, 2017

All-knowing surveillance system detects gunfire all across America

Are those lamps on your local streets detecting when guns are fired? American cities are being upgraded to pinpoint shooters and help police fight gun violence.

Like something out of the futuristic policing TV show “APB,” new tech can locate the exact position where a gun is fired and report it immediately to law enforcement.

Called ShotSpotter, this is a tool that can be used by officials to respond even faster to the aid of gun violence victims — minutes can be the difference between life and death. And it provides police with far more information in advance.

Before arriving on the scene, the tech tells police the exact location of the shooter or shooters, the type of weapon, and number of shots fired. This sort of data can help law enforcement respond more effectively and reduce the risk to the officers responding.

Militaries use a similar technology to defeat enemy snipers. In war zones, these systems pinpoint the location of a hidden sniper, using the sound of the gunshot.

The ShotSpotter tech uses a similar acoustic approach, but in a system designed to protect civilian neighborhoods. It can also be used to protect locations that can be attractive for terrorists to strike, like power plants and tourist sites such as New York’s Times Square.

What is ShotSpotter?


  1. This article or the person making the statement this will protect people is a lie... This detects gun shots and triangulates where it came from, it has to detect a gun shot first to pin point it, so there for if you have to shoot the gun first, someone is getting shot at or hurt or murdered or killed before anyone is notified and for the police to come check it out, so tell me again how this protects people before a shooting??? Oh maybe it is like those MRAP's cops have, which it stop shootings before they happen right? even though cops get called after the crime...

  2. Hope they don't put one near my house, the cops would show up all the time.

  3. I know about this system , all you have to do is to confuse the system , shoot several times from close and different spots.

  4. Shotspottter? That's old tech by now. It's been used for years.

  5. Well, now, then, there, I just knew I would get the Paul Harvey by reading these comments.

  6. If you shoot the shot-spotter, the bullet gets there before the sound does, so it will never hear it coming...

  7. Oh, and shoot it from indoors through a window so the other units only hear an echo from somewhere else!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, now, then, there, I just knew I would get the Paul Harvey by reading these comments.

    March 9, 2017 at 3:54 PM

    so that's why so many are confused.


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