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Thursday, March 30, 2017

After Health Care Defeat, Everyone Is Smarter than Trump. Oh, Really?

The Beltway consensus is that President Donald Trump lost so badly by pulling the American Health Care Act last Friday that he has permanently crippled his presidency. He may not achieve anything in his first 100 days (as if he hasn’t already); he may not even last a full term.

You don’t have to believe that Trump plays 3-D chess like a savant to understand that these conclusions are premature, self-serving (especially for NeverTrumpers eager to seize on any stumble), and perhaps wrong.

The fact is that the House Republican bill had to fail for Trump to fulfill his promise of repealing and replacing Obamacare. And there may even be one or two more failures to come. The reason is simple, and derives from the fact that all of the main political factions on Capitol Hill have believed, until now, that they have no reason to negotiate. Democrats cut Republicans out of Obamacare; House Republican ignored Democrats this year; the House Freedom Caucus refused a deal with Trump.



  1. Trump is a genius. Americans just haven't figured that out yet.

    1. No one has figured that out yet.

    2. Democrata ruined our healthcare system. They had a chance to fixed and voted NO now we are all going to sink. Btw Trump won almost EVERY county in America.

  2. Trump did not get to where he is today being stupid. After all, he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, like it or not.

  3. Dems believe that they have something to crow about with the health care plan, but seem to forget that Obamacare is nothing like Obama promised, which makes it easy to understand why Pelosi didn't want anyone to actually read it before passing it.

  4. I agree with the above. He clearly has a knack for making money. He looks stupid because of his bold claims. He has stated many times how easy this process would be and now look how they are struggling even with control of the entire government. Perhaps if he learned to keep his mouth shut and let actions speak louder than words things would change

    1. You should read an article on how he actually "makes" money.

  5. I do not believe we have a single career politician that is near as smart as most average business people. Trump is not an average business person. He will mop the floor with these losers when he is ready.

  6. Trust me. The ship is nowhere near the confusion the libs want you think. Things are going well. Maybe not perfect, but well. Trump is letting the rats show themselves to the American people. Next it will be our turn in the next election.

  7. When the 460+ Idiot politicians figure out that they know nothing about being doctors and insurance writers, they will step down and let us buy our insurance privately.

    The problem is, as long as they control the industry, they get their pockets lined by Big Pharma and Big Insurance. That's where your premiums go.

  8. When ALL politicians are forced to enroll in the same healthcare system that private citizens have to then maybe we will see some change. But I doubt it.


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