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Sunday, March 26, 2017


Joe, I read with interest the debates from those on your Blogg Site
about the fracking industry. Not knowing that much about the process I started searching on line since I have relatives living
near fracking stations in PA. In that search I found these stations
have "been sited hundreds of times " by EPA."

I hope in the future people will gain knowledge before speaking
out "for something" they may know nothing about.

It's quite scarey when you do the research & find that your Government is much the cause for the many disasters occurring because of fracking.

I also came across an article that states regular " Lab test " cannot
detect some of the chemicals used in Fracking & why.
Found by viewing:

The movie "Gasland" is a Very Informative documentary and I think
those with any questions about the safety of Fracking would
want to watch . (It can be viewed online.)


  1. ...there are zero basins of oil or gas worth fracking around here.

    Fracking has been used safely and effectively for over a century. When done properly, there's no threat to the water supply. Yes, sometimes there are some unscrupulous companies that cut corners. That's not representative of the vast majority. You're repeating already debunked claims.

    Plus, the numerous spelling errors makes me question your mental capabilities and effective comprehension.

  2. 6:02 AM

    No one is listening to your propaganda. Lighting water on fire has not been debunked, but nice try. And MANY have settled with the corporations, and have gag orders. If this was all debunked why the pay out and gag order?

    And there are 2 Gasland movies.

    You are too stupid to be commenting so please stop.

    Did I spell everything correctly? I know that is much more important to you than the content of the comment. And that makes me question your mental capabilities and effective comprehension.

  3. 6:02, Obvious you have never watched the movies. Why then are you making any comments? Authority on everything, educated on nothing?

  4. "More than 10 million Americans live within a mile of a fracking site. This means that 10 million Americans — and truly many more — have been placed directly in harm’s way. Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have connected fracking to serious human health effects, including cancer, asthma and birth defects."

    Let's assume this is true. The EASIEST thing to do would be to pick one, just one person as an example and name them. Tell us where they lived in relation to the fracking well. What chemical was found in their drinking water? THAT'S got to be easy as pie to name, since all those "toxic chemicals" mixed in the fracking water are already known just by reading the labels on the bags ay the fracking site! Do they name them? NO! Of course, they can't because they've never been to a fracking site and never found anything in the faucet water of anyone they could name. These are simply the imaginings of a writer with an agenda.

    Oh, but they can name "Halliburton" and Dick Chaney and Ken Lay and say neat sounding stuff like the "Halliburton Loophole", right? They have those catch names right on the tips of their tongues!

    You'll have to do better than that, kids!

  5. ...And the title of the second article says it all, "fracking CAN contaminate..." Well, yeah, if you screw ANYTHING up you CAN cause collateral damage! But, it didn't, did it? Again, NAME ONE.

  6. The problem is all the sources you are citing are propaganda because they have an agenda. You can't do your own research using environmental sites and certainly not from a documentary who hand picked what they chose to show.

  7. Okay, so tell me the story about little Sally Bumpkin of Barefoot, Texas who lived 3/4 mile away from a fracking well and after 5 years developed elbow cancer and a chemical called N-2,3,8,fracktane 235 was found in her elbow and in her drinking water, the same chemical found on the empty container labels at the fracking well and Dr. John Smith of the Barefoot Medical Institute made the diagnosis.

    Oh, so there's no story like that out there? Of course there isn't, but according to this article, there should be tens of millions of Sally Bumpkin stories and testimonials out there, except there isn't.

  8. 7:44 AM Bozo, watch the movies. It is all in there. They list all the chemicals used. They list the people, they list the communities.

    Again you are spewing bogus BS. Do you not read the books and attend book club meetings? Because this is the same. You have not done the research and only spew the government approved narrative.

    The chemicals used are "secret", which is part of the problem. Frackers object to the disclosure of chemicals used in the fracking process under the safe water act.

    Hey I've got a home for sale in a community called Love Canal. Sell it to you cheap. I also have one in Southern Louisiana, where the land was fertilized with fracking sediment sludge after a storm surge. Its a quiet neighborhood since you will be the only person living on the whole street. But it's safe, I promise you. 1616 Delery St, New Orleans LA 70117. If you have any questions you can call Wilma Subra, the Chemist and Genius Award Recipient. She can give you a list of chemicals used to fertilize your property.

  9. I suggest you google fracking and Fort Worth Texas..

  10. If you read the article linked from the Scientific American the conclusion isn't conclusive.

    "He published a comprehensive, peer-reviewed study last week in Environmental Science and Technology that suggests that people’s water wells in Pavillion were contaminated with fracking wastes that are typically stored in unlined pits dug into the ground.

    The study also suggests that the entire groundwater resource in the Wind River Basin is contaminated with chemicals linked to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking."

    The key word is "suggest." The study "suggests" that wells are contaminated. The study "suggests" the contamination is coming from fracking.

    To "suggest" something is to put forth for consideration and is not something that serves to prove a case.

  11. 7:58 AM LOLOL hand picked what they showed? He traveled across the country several times. But thank you for showing your ignorance.

  12. 8:1 AM Actually there are. But I see you are too busy typing BS than googling facts.

  13. 7:44 here is a clue for you

    A Pennsylvania jury handed down a $4.24 million verdict in a lawsuit centering on water contamination from negligent shale gas drilling in Dimock, PA, a tiny town that made international headlines for its flammable and toxic drinking water.

    The defendant in the lawsuit, Cabot Oil and Gas Corp., had strenuously denied that it had caused any harm to the plaintiffs or their drinking water. In 2012, the company reached a settlement with roughly 40 other residents along Carter Road in Dimock, but the terms of that settlement were never made public and included a “non-disparagement” clause that prevents those who settled from speaking out about their experiences with Cabot.

    1. And Cabot is the single biggest corner cutter in the business. So, the biggest settlement was 4m. In other words, a massively overhyped mirage.

  14. You are showing your ignorance 8:22. The laugh is on you. The fact that he had to travel across the country several times seeking out people only proves he had to scavenge to find these so called problems. If it were a real problem people would be coming out of the woodwork and he wouldn't have had to travel anywhere. They would have come to him, been all over the media. You are a special kind of stupid.

  15. Steve gets it. It's all in the words. Some act like it's rocket science. "Fracking """"CAN"""" Contaminate Drinking Water. Can NOT does. Please people read carefully before citing sources that turn out to be meaningless.

  16. So 8:29 and the City of Baltimore paid Freddie Gray's family millions too for what? Again proof of nothing.

  17. 8:31 Ignoramus, there are that many fracking facilities / communities / sites. Instead of going to one, he went to many. It wasn't hard to find problems. He even talked to government officials and environmentalists.

    Dimock PA, Fort Worth TX.

    Educate yourself, please. This last comment revealed the unbelievable level of your ignorance. And I thank you for that. Sincerely thank you.

  18. Millions of fracked wells in the past century, all across America. Where's the beef?

  19. The chemical used in fracking is called H2O

  20. 9:01, That's not exactly true. There have been several cases and settlements where they found chemicals being used. While it's supposed to be water, it's seems that it's a matter of who gets caught.

  21. 9:07 AM the movies lists the cocktail of toxic chemicals used.

    8:57 AM you said name one lawsuit or contamination, and I did. One of many. You cant even stay on topic with your own BS. Have at it because no one believes you anyhow. There have been THOUSANDS of settlements many with gag orders so you don't even know about them. I am following the golden rule, of not bothering to have a valid and logical conversation with an uneducated idiot. Go back to your CNN.

  22. And when the EPA finally gets shut down there is no chance of getting caught.

    1. What has the EPA ever uncovered?

  23. OP is another clueless Liberal Environmental Whacko who uses fake, biased reports to try to Get His Way at the expense of the Rest of Us. I for one am tired of this kind of B.S. being using against Industry in America. It is clear to most of us that his Information is biased, and that we must stand up to biased people like this who are trying to undermine Our Country and Our President Trump!

  24. The thing with the chemicals "used in fracking" is a play on words too. A lot of the lists contain "Chemicals that **CAN** be used but aren't ever used. The other thing is when they say "chemicals used" this isn't exclusive to the drilling process itself. For instance included are chemicals that are in diesel fuel/diesel exhaust because trucks are used for hauling.
    To answer 10:19's question-nothing and it's wasn't for a lack of trying.

  25. "There have been THOUSANDS of settlements many with gag orders so you don't even know about them"

    This isn't true. If there were THOUSANDS of settlements as you claim we would most certainly know about them as the anti fracking crowd would be screaming about them from the rooftops.
    FYI-a gag order doesn't prevent anyone from not knowing about a lawsuit (or a criminal charge). It only prevents the principals from speaking to the public about suit/case. The fact that a suit if filed/someone changed is public information that anyone can find out about. Maybe not all the details when concluded but the basics anyway.

  26. Fracking has caused earthquakes, also.

  27. 12:22

    And warts too! Sarc

  28. 10:51 Clearly Doesn't Understand the way things work. Settlements are Out of Court, not In Court, so there is no filing about it. Settlements are Private and can remain so forever, based on the agreements of the parties involved.

  29. 1:00 PM Thank you, I quit arguing with the idiot and went about my day. "It" seems to live in a vacuum, because if it isn't on the MSM it doesn't exist or is a lie in "it's" world.

    Just like the thousands of pipeline leaks that never happened because it wasn't on the news.

    1. Pipelines are the safest mode of transportation. Proven and irrefutable. But go nutty.

  30. 1:00 A settlement is still a legal process. A settlement is a term for formal resolution of a legal dispute without the matter being decided by a jury's verdict or a judges ruling. More then 90 percent of lawsuits are settled like this-it's called 'out of court.'
    With that in mind there are still notices of intent to sue and other court filings so settlements are not private in that they occurred. The terms may be known but the fact that a settlement happened is public information. Plus companies are required by federal security law to disclose this type of info.

  31. 1:00 out of court doesn't mean the court wasn't involved. See above for explanation. A gag order is court imposed by a judge only AFTER the party enters into the gag knowingly and consensually.

  32. I for one would never want fracking sights any
    where near our waters or my personal property after
    reading & viewing information from reputable sights.
    Remember ---"Chaney/and Bush" --in 2005' "Exempted
    the Chemicals used in oil/gas fracking from
    sections of our "Safe Drinking Water Act of 74'" and
    "Clean Water Act of 72'." What does that say to you?
    It appears after reading ---It's all about Mans Greed
    for Money with no
    respect for our Country or its' people.
    E. Walls

  33. We have the new water that was forced on us in the Morris Mill Rd, area by the local government. It stinks. No way in hell am I drinking that mess. What right do those fools have of forcing people to take that water?

    1. Get a water test kit online and go to the media and a class.action lawsuit.

  34. Fracking is safe if they use water like they are supposed to, some people chose not to others have poured chemicals down the fracking sites as sabotage in order to make a case.

  35. Fracking is not safe. Just think about it people. They told us sugar was safe years ago also. Then they put it in every food that is sold to us. Look at us now. The most obese population on earth. You can site lack of will power, laziness, yada, yada, yada as the reasons for this. BS. They knew and still know how dangerous it is and they still put it in everything. Why? The almighty dollar.
    Then lets look at GMO added to our food supply. No danger to the public we are told. This is something that is added to the food supply that makes it impervious to pesticides so that they can add more pesticides on the crops and have less loss. Sounds real appetizing doesn't it. Again, no danger to the public. How about the antibiotics and growth hormones that are fed to all of the animals, thereby adding them to the meat that we eat. No danger to the public right? Now we have antibiotic resistant diseases. Why are these things done. So the animal can grow bigger, faster, and at a healthier rate. Because they are concerned about the animal's health. Not hardly. Again for the almighty dollar. "THEY" aren't worried about the risk to the public. Don't ever think that your health will come before that dollar because it will not. After all, if they can keep you sicker as a by product of these other things, guess who else makes out big. Yeah, BIG PHARMA then gets their cut when you have to buy all of the medicines to try to keep your health when they are done with you. Think fracking doesn't hurt? Still believe in the tooth fairy also?

  36. If you read this article & go to the
    sites listed, you'll read where some of
    the chemical used in fracking cannot be picked
    up by these kits---from regular lab test.
    Read the link and you'll find out why. With
    that info you realize people having their
    water tested this way ----do not get negative
    It's all about the money people and your
    Government does not care one thing about
    our welfare ----- You can take that to the Bank!

  37. Joe I live in the City of Salisbury with City water and I have to clean my toilet every week to a week and a half. The entire bowl from the water line down has a yellow scum that surrounds the porcelain. It only takes a week to week and a half to get that scum on the bowl and it is at least 1/8" thick. There is also a black line around the bowl which I think is some kind of metal stain. Not only is it a black line I can't get it off the toilet. I have also seen this black line surrounding toilet bowls in other city bathrooms.

    Has anyone else seen this with their city water in their sink or toilets? What scares me is we drink the city water and I don't know what those metals are in the city water? (As a side note we don't drink the toilet water, I know someone will try to crack a joke.) What is causing those stains? Will it end up giving us cancer? I have young children and this scares me that we are showering in this water and drinking it. Is there anywhere that I can test my city water from the faucet?


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