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Thursday, February 23, 2017

When We're Winning...

Funny how Clinton said this when she thought she was winning in spite of her half-assed efforts of a campaign.

However, this also begs reflection on a couple more things; the first being, it appears she knew there was voter fraud that was about to be executed. Therefore, the question is when did she know and did she personally authorize it?

Notice this goes right over the Liberal Media's head. Be smart. Connect the dots. She wouldn't have made this comment if she wasn't absolutely certain she would win - that's even looking at Trump rally sizes compared to her own.


  1. Thats why Gore challenge his results in florida. He knew the fix was in.

    1. Gore made out alright though with global warming hoax. Think his net worth is 240 million.


  2. Can you imagine having that for our leader? Sure glad that phony face is not around each day. Look at the photo below of a real leader and read the message. Warms the cockles of the heart. What a great time to be American.

  3. Wow! Seems 800 and 834 completely missed the point of this post. Amazing how sometimes things fly right over people's heads and we wonder why professional politicians continue to corrupt our government.

  4. Her words are true and it is her crew that is the problem. Irony!

  5. Project Veritas proved the Democrats hire people to commit voter fraud so for the liberal media to deny it is just ridiculous. They've found over 2M illegal votes so far which wipes out Clinton's mythological popular vote win. Democrats don't like this exposure because it also goes further to validate why Voter ID is a necessity. Soros, Clinton and their posse like the fact they can cheat. It makes their wins like swindles on Americans.

  6. Democrats are nothing but liars. They prove it time and time again. Look at the local lying big mouth Molly. Lied about her place of employment and then when call out and slapped down to the cesspool where she belongs for being a liar she lied again to cover the lie.

  7. What is funny about this picture is not only is it true!!!! But, you dumb ass people can't seem to remember what she said, back when she said it... Then You only listen to her running her mouth now about what ever it is she has a problem with...

  8. Democrats are like teenagers. They suffer from selective and convenient amnesia.

  9. It's weird because she did a legal recount and has accepted the results...but you would lead your audience to believe otherwise

  10. 1035 another fake news pimp. First off, the recount was supposed to be Jill Stein's not Hillary Clinton's recount effort. Remember? And second, the fact is she continues to weigh in where it's none of her affair. In fact, her 'tweets' indicated she's hoping America will fail.

  11. SO, then, they, the Demon-crats ARE the Danger to Democracy

    They Have shown , BY their OWN actions !!!

    She has to own it .....SHE said it !!!


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