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Sunday, February 12, 2017

UPDATE....JUST IN: Robbery Bank Of Willards 2-6-17

Updated! A subject in the below mentioned robbery has been identified and arrested. 

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is currently on the scene of a Robbery at the Bank of Willards in West Ocean City, Maryland. Initial reports indicate the suspect is a white female who fled the bank with a black trash bag in hand. No further description at this time. Please report anything suspicious to 911 or to your local police department. 

MSP flying over West OC area.


  1. I am so so glad the cops continue to ask for more money to hire more cops and get more gadgets, yet they ask for me to help them do their job??? Yet they also never seem to use their "Discretion" they have when it comes to tickets or harassing anyone...

    1. Assisting the police should be a part of your civic duty or would you rather the criminals get away. People like you are part of the problem always bitching not not willing to help yourself or your communit. Use some common sense police can not be everywhere and they rely on the community to report suspicious people etc Hope you get a ticket the next time they catch you abusing the law

  2. The police should set up outside of the local crack houses and wait for her to saunter up. I should be a detective.

  3. I thought Obama left our economy in such great shape and helped lift everyone out of poverty. So, why are there so many bank robberies lately?

    1. What dream world are you living in, Obama didn't do anything to help the economy

  4. Keep an eye on the family dollars and wallmarts.

  5. I wish the police didn't waste time arresting people for weed, pulling people over for speeding. Why not fight some real crime. I'm sure they had some kid pulled over by 4 cops somewhere right about the same time

    1. And why do you want someone speeding and driving reckless and cause accidents not to be held accountable

  6. Stake out the Jenny Craig store or the local Weight Watchers or the Bariatric Surgery center. 5'5" 200lbs

  7. I would look at Dunkin Doughnuts

  8. Doubt you will find her at Jenny Craig, More likely at McDonalds.

  9. 10:43 - completely agree with you!

  10. Good work, police!

  11. She's not a very good criminal. In the bank at 9am, in the jail by afternoon. I doubt she even had time to count her moolah?

  12. 10:43. Well said. We agree. Great work law enforcement. Lock her up.

  13. She looks more than 200 pounds probably closer to 300.

  14. For those who cry foul when police ask the public for help to identify criminals, WTF are you thinking? Do you think that the police know every person on the planet? If it were true, you'd be crying about it being a police state. Get your priorities straight!

  15. Commrades, turn in your neighbors if they oppose the movement.

  16. Well I was this woman's room mate at one point and she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm still surprised that she did this...I never would have pinned her for it seriously.i saw the pic and thought it was her and then resized she had already been arrested and it was in fact her. Anyways like I said I was surprised . As will everyone be when they release all the detail like where they found her etc....


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