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Thursday, February 02, 2017

UN children agency seeks $3.3 billion in support in 2017

GENEVA —UNICEF is appealing for $3.3 billion this year to help millions of children worldwide facing conflict, malnutrition and other humanitarian emergencies.

The U.N. children's agency says more than 40 percent of the appeal would provide funds for children either displaced within Syria or who have fled abroad to escape the country's nearly six-year war.

UNICEF said its annual appeal announced Tuesday follows an initial request for $2.8 billion last year, which eventually grew to $3.2 billion amid escalating conflicts in Yemen, South Sudan and Iraq.



  1. don't think President Trump is going to go for giving the UN anything. He's not too keen on them right now.

  2. Screw um! American children first! We got lots of hungry kids here.

  3. Screw UNICEF it a tool of a stanic evil organzation called the UN. The skim that taken off the funds would make you cringe. The UN is useless and an instrument of the Soros and globlist of the world. Doing unGODLY work. BULLDOZE IT DOWN.

  4. As President Trump would say, America First, America First.

  5. Why is it that UNICEF wants all of that money for all of those children? How about they work on teaching those people how to NOT have babies if they can't take care of them.


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