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Monday, February 06, 2017

UC Berkeley Thug Who Beat Conservative and Bragged About It Online – Is University Staff Member!

A UC Berkeley rioter and thug who bragged online about beating conservatives outside the Milo Yiannopoulos speech on Wednesday night — works at the university.

Dabney Miller, a staff member at the UC Berkeley, bragged about how he beat conservatives. He posted images of one man he knocked to the ground and pummeled with his fists before someone pulled him away.

Dabney Miller draws a paycheck from the UC Berkeley administration.

On Wednesday Breitbart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley – the historical home of the free speech movement.

Violent far left rioters and goons shut the talk down.



  1. I hope someone retaliates .

  2. I think it is time we start retaliating. I am sick of this crap. I am tired of the lies. I am frustrated with the phony outrage with Trump.

  3. Time to sue Berkeley.

  4. I hopersonally the person he attacked is aware of who attacked now. He should file charges as well as sue him and the USB for not providing proper security for the event which led directly to the attack and his injuries!


  5. Sue his butt, and the administrators personally, to high heaven!


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