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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Tucker Clashes With Immigration Activist Jose Antonio Vargas

Jose Antonio Vargas, founder and CEO of Define America, made several, contradictory arguments during his Tuesday interview on Fox News, for which host Tucker Carlson proceeded to take him to the cleaners.

“What is your point?” The Daily Caller founder eventually posed to Vargas. “You’re throwing around, ‘America was bad, we had slavery.’ I’m not disagreeing with that. What does that have to do with illegal immigration?”

“Tucker you’re confused because you don’t deal in context,” the immigration activist countered. “You’re confused because I don’t think you understand the true history of this country. We are here because you were there. That’s why we’re here.”

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  1. Tucker is great. If you have never watched his show, you should!

  2. I like Tucker but like the Hannity show have stopped watching because of all the shouting matches - not being able to hear what either is saying

  3. 8:09
    I think Tucker is spot on. Never knew he was so good until he got this show. He takes no crap from no one and will drill them. Love it. I'm afraid Mr O will be going to number two after all his years at the top.

  4. So Jose Vargas came to this country because we once had slavery so did a lot of other countries why don't they go there.


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