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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump’s EPA Chief Releases More Than 7,000 Emails To Soros-Funded Group

The Daily Caller: A liberal watchdog group released thousands of emails Wednesday showing President Donald Trump’s EPA chief shared communications with energy groups during his time as Oklahoma’s attorney general.

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), a liberal watchdog group with financial ties to billionaire George Soros, released emails showing Scott Pruitt’s office communicated on several occasions with fossil fuel companies like Devon Energy earlier in February. CMD sued to have the emails released after it claimed the Oklahoma Republican stonewalled information requests for two years.

“The newly released emails reveal a close and friendly relationship between Scott Pruitt’s office and the fossil fuel industry,” Nick Surgey, a director at CMD, wrote in a statement Wednesday.

Emails dating back to 2013 show that various groups reached out to thank Pruitt’s office for engaging in legal fisticuffs with former President Barack Obama’s environmental agenda.

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1 comment:

  1. The title of the story is misleading, no doubt meant to rile up the headline-only readers.


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