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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trump Slams 'Dishonest' Press for 'Tremendous Disservice' to the America People

Thursday at a press conference to announce his pick of Alexander Acosta for the vacant Secretary of Labor post, President Donald Trump ripped the “dishonest” press and suggested they intentionally being an obstacle to his effort to take the “entrenched power structure.”

Partial transcript as follows:

I’m here today to update the American people on the incredible progress that has been made in the last four weeks since my inauguration. We have made incredible progress. I don’t think there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we have done. A new Rasmussen poll in fact, the people – much of the media doesn’t get it. They actually get it but they don’t write it. A new Rasmussen poll just came out a very short while ago and it has our approval rating at 55 percent and going up. The stock market has hit record numbers as you know. And there has been a tremendous surge of optimism in the business world, which to me means something much different than it used to. It used to mean oh, that’s good. Now it means that’s good for jobs – very different. Plants and factories starting to move back into the United States and

The stock market has hit record numbers as you know. And there has been a tremendous surge of optimism in the business world, which to me means something much different than it used to. It used to mean oh, that’s good. Now it means that’s good for jobs – very different. Plants and factories are starting to move back into the United States and bigly Ford, General Motors, so many. I make this presentation directly to the American people with the media present, which is an honor to have you. This morning because many of our nation’s reporters and folks will not tell you the truth, and will not treat the wonderful people of our country with the respect that they deserve. And I hope going forward we can be a little bit, a little bit different and get along better if that’s possible. Maybe it’s not, and that’s OK too. Much of the media in Washington, D.C. and New York and Los Angeles, in particular, speaks not for the people but for the special interests and for those profiting off a very, very obviously broken system. The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people, a tremendous disservice. We have to talk about it, to find out what’s going on because the press honestly is out of control. The level of dishonesty is out of control. I ran for president to represent the citizens of our country. I am here to change the broken system, so it serves their families and their communities well. I am talking and really am taking



  1. Donald Trump is President in large part due to leaks. Had the Russians not hacked and robbed the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, and released them through WikiLeaks, Trump would probably not be president.

    In a race determined by fewer than 80,000 votes, that's hard to dispute.

    And in the final days of the campaign, FBI Director James Comey released a letter which essentially reopened an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails once again -- based on nothing. Turned out those emails had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's case. But the damage was done.

    Comey apparently knew about the Trump operatives' contacts with the Russians, but somehow that never leaked. The contrast between how Comey handled the Clinton case and how he handled the Trump-Russia case boggles the mind. Donald Trump has benefited from leaks more than the CEO of Depends.

  2. He also said that his administration is running like a well-oiled machine.

    Me thinks that The Donald is delusional!

  3. Mr Trump is certainly right about this.. a lying press is a tremendous disservice to the people of the United States.

    But more importantly, they disgrace themselves and the profession. After what we've seen over the last 8 years or so, it will be VERY hard to ever believe them again.

  4. 3:21..."..in large part..." ???
    Quit trying to blame everyone but that loser whore hillary who sold out herself and our country at every chance.
    She lost because she was a terrible candidate trying to promote and defend the last eight years of incompetent direction.
    She lost because she threw hard working tax paying Americans under the bus and threw her support to the strangest, weirdest, laziest, stupid people who had the reasoning skills of a dead hamster.
    Just compare who the democrats put on stage at their convention and who the republicans put on stage. hillarys entire campaign (when she actually appeared in public) was based on electing her so we could have a woman president and being offended at anything and everything.
    She took a world class ass-whipping and the Russians didn't do it. The American voter did.
    Finally, THANK GOD that the inner thoughts of the democratic leaders were exposed. They laughed at their supporters, denigrated minority voters, ridiculed black people, and celebrated lying and cheating.
    Trust me, the russians didn't make trump a winner. Obama and hillary did.

  5. How could anyone trust the news when they campaigned for Hillary?

  6. So many powerful forces against president Trump,he stopped the New world order and they are out to get him!Pray for our president and our country he truly does have our best interests in mind unlike George Soros which controls the democrat party and the like.

  7. When she called half or more of us "Deplorables", well, that was the end of her campaign. We he'd made our minds up that day. Wtf was she thinking? Damage doe, election lost, MAGA!


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