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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trump announces genius plan for resettling refugees

Shortly after President Trump’s executive order that applied his travel ban and froze the Syrian refugee resettlement in the U.S., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced refugees were still invited to cross the border into Canada. If Trump’s executive order had not been overturned by the 9th Circuit, it would’ve accidentally made Canada take the refugees – and of course, have them fund every penny.

Speaking upon the topic of refugees, Donald Trump said he doesn’t want to accept refugees at this time due to concerns of terrorists infiltrating into the country. But he also believes that it didn’t mean that America would do nothing to help them.

Right after the executive order implementing his refugee freeze was signed, Trump met with Saudi King Salman to work on establishing safe zones for refugees in Syria and Yemen. It’s a whole lot cheaper to resettle refugees in Syria and surrounding nations too – $1,057 per refugee per year on average, verses over $12,000 to resettle them in the U.S.

As for those safe zones, The President made it clear that he has no intention of funding it.



  1. "..As for those safe zones, The President made it clear that he has no intention of funding it.."

    And why should we? Saudi Arabia has megabucks and a large city (called Mina) of tents that can house a million people. A million of their muslim brothers.

    These are mostly MUSLIM refugees-- they will be much happier and adjust better by staying in muslim countries who share their customs and beliefs.

  2. That the people of Islam who dominate the Gulf States would turn their backs on their Muslim brothers is puzzling. Does not the Koran say a lot about taking care of the faithful in times of need?

  3. Let the Saudis put them in the tent city they have.. they will be much more comfortable there than here.


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