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Monday, February 27, 2017

Trump and Congress Should Grant Obama’s DNA Request

On February 13, Kim Jong-Nam, estranged half-brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, was preparing to board a flight at Kuala Lampur airport when two mysterious women sprayed his face with a toxic liquid. Kim Jong-Nam was DOA at the hospital and his DNA would soon become a factor.

“We need a DNA sample of a family member to match the profile of the dead person,” Malaysian police chief Abdul Samah told reporters, and “before we release the body we have to identify who the body belongs to.”

As Malaysian forensic investigators explained, DNA from a child, sibling or half-sibling would be enough to provide a “kinship match” and confirm the identity. This is a matter of hard science.

DNA evidence has solved many cold cases, freed the innocent, and helped courts convict those truly guilty of crimes.

On the other hand, DNA has never been applied to an identity question much bigger than the kinship of Kim Jong-Nam and Kim Jong-Un. Before a nation elects a president, the voters should confirm the true identity of the candidate. That has never been clear with the 44th president of the United States, who in his farewell address said in his twenties he was “still trying to figure out who I was.”

In 1965 the Hawaiian-born American’s mother Ann Dunham married Indonesian student Lolo Soetoro and Barry became Lolo’s stepson. As a radical Occidental College student, Barry could have simply adopted an African name in the style of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee leader Stokely Carmichael, who changed his name to Kwame Ture. Instead, in Dreams from My Father, Barry claimed that the Kenyan student Barack H. Obama, who passed away in 1982, “bequeathed” him his name.



  1. nah, not interested.

    Want to know more, dig deeper into:
    - upcoming free community college provisions;
    - darn new buildings in downtown;
    - continued lack of info from LEOs about crime in our area;
    - our jokes with includes the mayor and city council;
    - anticipated summer traffic with the bridge work near the stadium and along the Route 50/13 bypass
    - LEOs watching baseball tailgating at SU this spring (since tailgating was approved in Sept 2016)
    - Delmarva electric continuing to shaft customers (raising rates, new meters)

    Just some examples what we need to hear about, especially since Obama does/provides absolutely nothing to most of us! A laugh here or there ok, but constant obsessive junk - nah.

  2. You've got to be kidding me with this stuff. Close the window, your credibility is about to fly out

  3. Obama's parentage is in question. Why someone hasn't spirited one of his cigarette butts out of the WH for a DNA test is a question that begs an answer.

  4. DNA would reveal once and for all whether Obama's real father was communist Davis or not. If so, that would explain the mess he made worldwide and the liberals' real desire toward one-world government at any cost.


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